8 Benefits OF Taking Vitamin K2

December 11, 2023

What is Vitamin k2?

Vitamin K2 is an important nutrient that helps the body to absorb calcium. It is also necessary to develop and maintain strong bones and teeth. Without enough vitamin K2, the body cannot use calcium properly, leading to health problems such as osteoporosis. Vitamin K2 is found in leafy green vegetables, eggs, and dairy products.
Vitamin K2 is an essential nutrient for human health, but its absorption from the diet is low. This may be because vitamin K2 is found in a small number of foods, and those foods are not typically consumed in high amounts. Vitamin K2 supplements can improve the absorption of this essential vitamin.

What Happens When You Take Vitamin K2?

Vitamin K2 is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays a vital role in blood clotting, bone health, and heart health. When you take Vitamin K2, it helps your body to produce more of the protein needed for blood clotting. It also helps to keep your bones healthy by keeping calcium in your bones and out of your arteries. Vitamin K2 is also essential for heart health because it helps prevent the arteries from hardening.

What is Menaquinone-7?

Menaquinone-7, also known as MK-7, is a vitamin K form that has been shown to help with osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, inflammation, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, and peripheral neuropathy. K2-7 is more readily absorbed and bioavailable than vitamin K1 (phylloquinone).

Most people get enough MK-7 from their diet. However, you may need a supplement if you do not eat fermented foods or have certain health conditions.


What is the difference between vitamin k1 and vitamin k2?

Vitamin K1, also known as phylloquinone, is found in leafy green vegetables and is the main form of vitamin K in the diet. Vitamin K2, also known as menaquinone, is found in meat, eggs, and dairy products. Both vitamins are essential for blood clotting and bone health.
Vitamin K1 is absorbed in the upper part of the small intestine, while vitamin K2 is absorbed lower down in the small intestine. Vitamin K1 is mainly stored in the liver, while vitamin K2 is primarily stored in body fat. Vitamin K1 is excreted in bile, while vitamin K2 is excreted in the urine.
Vitamin K2 has a longer half-life than vitamin K1, so that it can build up in the body over time.

Vitamin k1
Vitamin k2
Found in leafy green vegetables Found in meat, eggs, and dairy
Absorbed in the upper part of the small intestine Absorbed in the lower part of the small intestine
Stored in the liver Stored in the body fat
Excreted in the bile (stool) Excreted in the urine
Bioavailability of vitamin k1 up 24 hours Bioavailability of vitamin k2 up 72 hours
It is used to prevent and treat certain blood clotting (coagulation) issues. Used for improving bone health, heart health, Alzheimer’s disease prevention, and protection from cancer

What are The Benefits of Vitamin K2?

Vitamin K2 has several benefits that make it an essential part of your diet. Here are eight reasons why you should make sure you get enough Vitamin K2:

  1. Vitamin K2 helps keep your bones healthy. It is essential for the proper absorption of calcium, and it helps to prevent osteoporosis.
  2. Vitamin K2 also helps to keep your heart healthy. It reduces the risk of arterial calcification and cardiovascular disease.
  1. Vitamin K2 has been shown to protect against cancer, particularly colon and prostate cancers.
  2. Vitamin K2 is also essential for brain health. It helps to prevent Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
  3. Vitamin K2 is essential for proper blood clotting. Without enough vitamin K2, you could easily be at risk for bleeding or bruising.
  4. Vitamin K2 also helps prevent gum disease and tooth decay. 
  5. Vitamin K2 protects against kidney stones and urinary tract infections (UTIs). 
  6. Vitamin K2 helps fight stress-related symptoms like anxiety and depression. 

Benefits of Vitamin K2

Is Vitamin K2 The Best supplement For Bone health?

Bone loss occurs because of decreased bone formation and increased resorption as people age. Osteoporosis is caused by bone loss as well as other pathophysiologic states. K2-7 promotes bone formation (osteoblastic) and inhibits bone resorption (osteoclastic).
K2-7 aids in the synthesis of osteocalcin and other proteins. Interestingly, the ratio of circulating K2-7 serum levels in eastern Japanese women to British women is 15:1, which inversely mirrors the fracture rate of 1 in Japanese women to 15 in British women (Kaneki et al., 2001).
This suggests that K2-7 circulating levels have a significant beneficial effect on fracture risk globally.

Does vitamin K2 have an anti-cancer effect?

Several therapeutics are available for cancer patients, but the long-term prognosis for various types of cancer is inadequate. Vitamin K2 inhibits the growth of cancer cells in different cell lines, including leukemia, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), lung cancer, ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer, and colorectal cancer.
One study found that vitamin K2 could help to prevent lung cancer. The study looked at rats who were exposed to a lung cancer-causing chemical. Those who received vitamin K2 had a lower risk of developing lung cancer than those who did not receive the vitamin.
Another study found that vitamin K2 could help to prevent colon cancer. The study looked at people who were at high risk for colon cancer. Those who took a supplement containing vitamin K2 had a lower risk of developing colon cancer than those who did not take the supplement.
More research is needed to confirm these findings.

Does vitamin K2 help clear arteries?

Atherosclerosis, or the hardening of arteries, is a significant factor in heart disease. This process is caused by the buildup of plaque on artery walls. Vitamin K2 has been shown to help clear arteries by reducing the amount of calcium deposited in them. This vitamin also helps to prevent vascular calcification, which can lead to heart diseases. MGP is a protein that helps keep calcium from building up in arteries. Vitamin K2 activates MGP, which helps clear arteries and reduce heart disease risk.

Why is vitamin K good for brain health and protects from Alzheimer’s Disease?

Vitamin K is best known for its role in blood clotting, but this vitamin plays a part in many different bodily functions. New research shows that vitamin K may also benefit brain health, particularly in preventing Alzheimer’s disease.
Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative brain disorder that leads to memory loss and cognitive decline. There is currently no cure for Alzheimer’s, so preventing the disease is of paramount importance. Growing evidence suggests that vitamin K may help to protect the brain from the damage that can lead to Alzheimer’s.
Patients with AD (Alzheimer’s Disease) had lower serum levels of vitamin K2 than healthy individuals (Huy et al., 2013). Vitamin K2 can potentially slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease and contribute to its prevention.

vitamin K2

How to choose the best K2 supplements?

There are a lot of different K2 supplements on the market these days. So, how do you know which one is best for you? Here are a few things to look for when choosing a K2 supplement:

  • Look for a supplement that contains the MK-7 form of vitamin K2.
  • Choose a supplement independently tested for quality and purity.
  • Check the dosage to ensure you get the right amount of vitamin K2 for your needs.
  • Read the label carefully to understand what you are taking and how it might interact with other medications or supplements.

Why do we recommend D-K Forte as a vitamin k2 supplement?

D-K Forte is a powerful vitamin K2 supplement that provides many health benefits. Here are some of the reasons why we recommend it:

  1. It contains 180mcg of vitamin k2 in the form of menaquinone-7 (MK-7), which meet the recommended daily intake for most needs.
  2. We added vitamin d to synergist the effect of vitamin k2 on bone health.
  3. One capsule as a daily dose is enough to provide your body’s need for both vitamin d3 and k2.
  4. It helps to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.
  5. It helps to improve bone health, prevent osteoporosis, and protect against various cancer types

D-K Forte

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Unlocking the Potential of Vitamin K2 for Enhanced Bone and Heart Health

Discover the multifaceted benefits of Vitamin K2, a vital nutrient often overshadowed by its counterpart, Vitamin K1. While K1 is crucial for efficient blood clotting, K2’s slow absorption rate equips it with a unique ability to impact bone and heart health significantly.

This section delves into the science behind Vitamin K2’s role in activating bone-building proteins and reducing arterial calcification, offering insights into how this underappreciated vitamin could be a game-changer in preventive health strategies.

Incorporating Vitamin K2 in Your Diet: A Path to Better Health

Navigating the nutritional landscape can be challenging, especially when it comes to micronutrients like Vitamin K2. This section guides readers through the dietary sources of Vitamin K2, highlighting the importance of fermented foods, specific cheeses, and egg yolks in enriching your diet with this essential vitamin.

It also addresses considerations for individuals on blood thinners and underscores the importance of consulting healthcare professionals for personalized dietary advice, ensuring a balanced and health-conscious approach to nutrition.


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