LDN Dosage Guidelines: A Comprehensive Guide to Navigating Low Dose Naltrexone

April 3, 2023

Introduction to LDN and Dosage Guidelines

Low-dose naltrexone (LDN) is a prescribed compounded medication that is used to treat or manage numerous diseases such as depression, autoimmune diseases, cancer, and many more. 

You may be wondering, why LDN is compounded.  It’s because LDN is administered in such low doses. LDN should be compounded by a trusted pharmacy to guarantee the quality and safety of the medication, Buying LDN without a prescription online is illegal and extremely dangerous so it must be avoided.

In the past few years, therapeutic dosing regimens of LDN were known to be 1.5 to 4.5 mg administered at night (It could be taken in the morning if insomnia or sleeping disturbance occur) but now, the dose regimen is more variable and tailored to suit each patient. 

Compounded Forms of Naltrexone

Naltrexone can be compounded into various forms, such as: 

  • Capsules (Dose starts from 0.1 mg)
  • Tablets
  • Gummy bears
  • Sublingual Drops (Suitable for patients with swallowing difficulties, or if they don’t benefit from other ingested forms)
  • Liquids (Allow dose titration from 0.1 mg to 16 mg)
  • Eye drops
  • Torches (can be split into four and they dissolve under the tongue in 1-2 minutes)
  • Topical lotions (for children or various skin diseases)
  • Transdermal creams
  • Nasal spray

Compounded Forms of

LDN Benefits

What makes LDN unique is that it’s inexpensive, has broad dose variability, can be used on numerous conditions, and its side effects are considered minor.

Potential Side Effects of LDN

The most common side effects of LDN are sleep disturbance and vivid dreams. However, they tend to settle within one to two weeks of use.

LDN General Dosage Guidelines & Dose Titration

Dosing protocols vary depending on the type of illness, age, and condition of the patient.

Autoimmune disease1 mg daily for 14 days, increasing by 0.5 to 1 mg every two weeks until at 4.5 mg or highest tolerated dose at or above 3 mg
Cancer1.5 mg daily for seven days, increasing by 1.5 mg weekly until at 4.5 mg. Once in remission, dose of 4.5 mg for seven days; start alternating three days on, three days off if indicated.
Chronic pain1 mg daily for 14 days, increasing by 0.5 to 1 mg every two weeks until at 4.5 mg or highest tolerated dose at or above 3 mg.
Fertility/pregnancy1 mg daily for 14 days, increasing by 0.5 to 1 mg every two weeks until at 4.5 mg or highest tolerated dose at or above 3 mg.
Anxiety / depression / post-traumatic stress disorder / traumatic brain injury1 mg daily for 14 days, increasing by 0.5 to 1 mg every two weeks until at 4.5 mg or highest tolerated dose at or above 3 mg. Though LDN is generally used once per day, it can be used up to four times a day for mental health conditions.
Chronic fatigue syndrome / myalgic encephalomyelitisTwice-daily dosing could be prescribed (between 1.5 and 4.5 mg per dose).
AllergiesCould be used three times per day in higher doses for allergy patients (up to 8 mg per dose).
Behavioral health issuesUp to four times a day could be prescribed in low doses
ChildrenChildren under 40 kg: 0.1 mg per kg, starting at 0.1 mg and increasing over a period of four weeks to calculated dose. Children > 40 kg: Treat as adults.
Opioid addictionIn doses of 1 mcg (ultra low dose naltrexone / ULDN), it can be used alongside opioids; over time, titrate the opioid down and the ULDN up until the patient is on LDN.
This should always be under medical supervision.
Heading #1Heading #2
Full dose naltrexone50–100 mg
Low dose naltrexone (LDN)0.5–16 mg*
Very low dose naltrexone (VLDN)50–500 mcg
Ultra low dose naltrexone (ULDN)1–20 mcg

*, the upper limit of what was defined as LDN was 4.5 mg, but this definition has been slightly widened.

Dosing Time

Normally, LDN is administered in the evening, )may be taken in the morning to avoid sleep disturbance). Some patients Skip one dose per week, which may help with receptor sensitivity.

Dosing time


LDN is used in the management of numerous conditions, it’s commonly administered in the evening, and the exact dose is variable according to the condition of each patient, you should consult your doctor to know the optimum dose regimen for you.


  1. The LDN Book volume two, The Latest Research on How — LOW DOSE NALTREXONE — Could Revolutionize Treatment for PTSD, Pain, IBD, Lyme Disease, Dermatologic Conditions, and More EDITED BY Linda Elsegood.
  2. The LDN Book 3: Low Dose Naltrexone: The Latest Research on Viral Infections, Long COVID, Mold Toxicity, Longevity, Cancer, Depression, and More.