Managing Excess Hair in Women with Topical Metformin: Benefits and Considerations

June 1, 2023
Managing Excess Hair in Women with Topical Metformin: Benefits and Considerations


If you are a woman reading this article, did you notice an abnormal hair growth of thick pigmented hair in areas that are usually hairless like lips, chin, or chest? If the answer is yes then you maybe have the symptoms of Hirsutism.

A. What is Hirsutism?

Hirsutism is the excessive growth of stiff hair in females. The areas of growth may include the face, neck, chest, lower back, tummy, or thighs.

B. Overview of excess hair growth in women

Hirsutism’s main cause is androgen overproduction or over-sensitization. The most common cause of Hirsutism is polycystic ovarian syndrome (75% of all cases). Hirsutism could also happen due to unknown causes.

Some rare reasons for Hirsutism include:

  1. The use of Anabolic steroids.
  2. Cushing syndrome (increased cortisol hormone production over a long time)
  3. Acromegaly (increased growth hormone production that increases tissue and bone growth)
  4. Tumors affecting hormonal levels.
  5. Medications like androgens, estrogen antagonists, minoxidil, phenytoin, etc…

What is Hirsutism 3

Topical Metformin

Oral Metformin is used in treating high blood sugar levels (Type II Diabetes) because it restores the body’s proper response to insulin. Topical Metformin is compounded as a result of the positive effect seen by the oral form. When the hair follicle is deprived of insulin, this will make it shrink and even fall. In addition, this will also stop melanin production, all of this is useful in managing hirsutism in women.

How Does Topical Metformin Work?

Topical Metformin decreases hair follicle growth by different methods such as:

  1. Decrease circulating insulin, which decreases the concentration of free levels of androgen.
  2. Reduce pigmentation in the hair.

Benefits of Metformin for Excess Hair in Women

We believe that Metformin is an outstanding candidate for solving unwanted hair growth problems because of the successful results obtained from clinical trials.
In a 14-month clinical trial, metformin was administered and it showed a reduction in hirsutism.
In another trial that was held for six months, 70 patients who had the symptoms of excessive hair growth due to polycystic ovarian syndrome used metformin with intense pulse light (IPL) for hair removal, the group that used metformin with IPL had less hair growth than the control group who used IPL alone.

B.Comparison between Topical metformin and oral metformin
Topical Metformin’s main advantage is that it doesn’t cause Gastrointestinal Side Effects Associated with the oral form. Also, the topical form is applied to a specific area to have a local effect

How to Use Topical Metformin

Metformin may be applied topically in the form of cream, ointment, or gel.
You should ask your doctor first to know the suitable dose and frequency for your condition.
Potential benefits
Topical Metformin may decrease the growth rate and thickness of the hair follicle, making hair removal much easier.
Duration of treatment
You may need a few months to observe an improvement in your condition.

Topical Metformin

How to get compounding products from welltopia?

You can find numerous compounding products through our website in the MENUCOMPOUNDING section, or just TEXT US and fill in your information, and our team will reach out to you shortly.


We are optimistic about Topical metformin as it is considered the future approach used in managing excessive hair growth in women. If you are interested in compounded Topical metformin you can purchase it through Welltopia’s pharmacy website


  1. Excessive hair growth (hirsutism)
  2. An Innovative Treatment for Hirsutism: Topical Metformin
  3. Hirsutism – statpearls
  4. Metformin Oral – Uses, Side Effects, and More – WebMD
  5. ‏Bubna AK. Metformin – For the dermatologist. Indian J Pharmacol 2016;48:4-10
  6. Topical Metformin: A Promising Alternative to Alleviate the Gastrointestinal Side Effects Associated with Oral Medication in Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Categories: Compounding