Navigating Pain Management: Understanding NSAIDs during Pregnancy

June 19, 2023


How frequently do you grab a pill for muscle aches or a persistent headache? Are they NSAIDs like ibuprofen, which you find relatively safe to consume? NSAIDs are widely available pain relievers used by millions of people without a need for a prescription.
NSAIDs ( Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs), are a category of drugs that can be used for the treatment of inflammatory processes and pain management, like muscle pain, headache pain, and a lot more besides being important in bringing down high body temperature. examples of NSAIDs are ibuprofen, indomethacin, Diclofenac, and ketoprofen.
But did you know that NSAIDs have been proven to interfere with progesterone signaling?
Progesterone plays a vital role in healthy ovulation. Recent studies have revealed that even using NSAIDs for just 10 days at the recommended dosage can increase the risk of infertility in otherwise healthy pre-menopausal women.

Potential Risks of NSAIDs during Pregnancy to the mother

Progesterone plays a crucial role in ovulation. NSAIDs hinder progesterone and disrupt its signaling, leading to impaired ovulation. During pregnancy, progesterone is essential for maintaining a healthy pregnancy. However, taking NSAIDs while pregnant has been associated with a doubled risk of spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) because NSAIDs interfere with the progesterone needed to sustain the pregnancy. When a young woman regularly takes NSAIDs, the inhibition of ovulation caused by blocked progesterone signaling can be reversed once she stops taking these drugs.

NSAIDs risks during pregnancy

Potential Risks of NSAIDs during Pregnancy to the fetus

However, there are additional concerns related to NSAIDs. When pregnant women consume NSAIDs like ibuprofen, it can harm the developing testes in the male fetus, potentially causing infertility and other issues in the child as he grows up. Unfortunately, these effects are likely irreversible.
A recent study revealed that ibuprofen can frequently disrupt the hormonal system in the testes of human fetuses. NSAIDs, including ibuprofen, not only block progesterone but also suppress the production of crucial testicular hormones like testosterone. These hormones play a vital role in developing primary and secondary sex characteristics, as well as ensuring the proper descent of the testes. Additionally, ibuprofen has been found to negatively impact the parent cells responsible for producing sperm in adulthood. This can potentially lead to infertility in male children as they grow older.

When do these effects take place?

The hormone-disrupting effects of NSAIDs are observed even at standard dosages as recommended on the label. However, the adverse effects on the male fetus were specifically associated with ibuprofen intake during the first trimester of pregnancy. This first trimester is considered a critical period of fetal development, with increased vulnerability to the potential impact of ibuprofen on the male genital and reproductive system. On the other hand, the risks of miscarriage from NSAID use were found to be prevalent when these medications are taken during the third trimester. Therefore, there is no specific time during the entire pregnancy when taking NSAIDs can be considered completely safe.
A significant number of pregnant women rely on ibuprofen as a medication. It is easily accessible at local drug stores or online, making it one of the most commonly used medications among expectant mothers. Surveys and studies reveal that approximately 1 in 10 women openly admit to taking ibuprofen during pregnancy. However, more comprehensive research suggests that the actual number of self-medicated users is higher, with up to 3 in 10 pregnant women, which accounts for nearly 30%, relying on ibuprofen.

When and why NSAIDs might be considered during pregnancy

1- If a pregnant woman is experiencing severe pain that cannot be adequately managed with alternative methods, her healthcare provider might consider a short-term, low-dose NSAID treatment.
2- Inflammatory conditions: In certain cases, such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, NSAIDs may be necessary to control inflammation and maintain the mother’s overall health during pregnancy.

NSAID replacements that are safer for use while pregnancy

Here are a few options:
– Acetaminophen (Paracetamol): this OTC drug is safer for pregnant women and fetuses, as it acts centrally.
– Physical therapy or massage would be great options if you feel muscle and joint pain.
– application of cold or heat patches to the pain site is a fast pain relieving technique.


NSAIDs like ibuprofen are often used for pain management, but NSAIDs have been found to disrupt progesterone signals, which are needed for maintaining a healthy pregnancy and fertility. Regular use of it causes pregnancy risks and raises the chance of infertility in pre-menopausal women. The use of NSAIDs during pregnancy is doubling the risk of miscarriage and harming the developing testicles of the male fetus, leading to infertility and other issues later in life. The risk to the mother and fetus depends mainly on the time of exposure to NSAIDs because they can affect hormones even at labeled dosages, especially during the first and third trimesters. It’s important to rethink safer alternatives when pregnant, such as paracetamol, physical therapy, heat or cold patches, and massage therapy. consultation with your physician is a must before making any decisions regarding the use of NSAIDs or other painkilling drugs during pregnancy.

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