Outdoor Season is Here

May 26, 2018


With Summer upon us, Mother Nature sends a warm invitation for everyone to experience the outdoors. There is a variety of activities to choose from that will allow you to soak in the beauty of the season, keep your body going and moving, and just help you unplug and enjoy this magnificent planet of ours. Whether you consider yourself an avid hiker, a newbie camper, or just someone who would not mind experiencing the outdoors for a change this Summer; Welltopia Pharmacy is here to make sure your backpack is well-packed for your next outdoor adventure. Our Pharmacist, carefully, selected the items below for your personal wellness while you are enjoying the outdoors. We do not only think that they are as necessary as the basics you would pack, but we also believe they will, most certainly, make for a better outdoor experience.


Tippecanoe Hiker’s Balm: Our first Pharmacist’s pick here is an organic all-natural healing salve made from wild-picked ingredients. It is perfect to get instant relief from insect bites, poison ivy, or any plant that might cause scratching and itching.

Hikers Balm


Tippecanoe Herbal Insect Mosquito Tick Repellent: Another organic all-natural pick. This mosquito and insect repellent is ideal to keep your worries away about being bit. It is so safe, we trust to use it our furry friends as well!

Herbal Insect Tock Repellent


Thinksport Safe Sunscreen SPF 50+: Sunscreen is a must-have in your packing gear. However, we believe that your skin deserves the best and safest there is. Our Pharmacist selected Thinksport Safe Sunscreen, specifically, as it provides waterproof protection without all the harmful chemicals found in most sunscreen brands. Chemical-free and waterproof, doesn’t it sound like a win-win?

Thinksport Sunscreen SPF 50 859871004187


ATP Enhance Workout: Hydration is extremely important while you are outdoors to replenish your body water supply. ATP Enhance Workout does not only flavor your water and turns it into a tasty drink, it provides your body with a combination of vitamins, electrolytes, minerals, amino acids, herbs, and antioxidants. Think how much energy that will give you as you are moving!

ATP Enhance Workout


Ultra Protein Bar is a delicious meal replacement or snack that’s ideal for those who are trying to increase protein and fiber intake and limit their consumption of sugar

Ultra Protein Bar


All six recommendations are compact for your convenience and easy to fit into your hiking backpack, camping gear, or even purse. They will sure have you covered and let you focus on the fun you will have along the way. Are you planning any hiking or camping escapades soon, or have you gone on any recently? We would love hear (and see pictures) of your favorite spots, and hear about your essential wellness picks to pack. Let us know here!