Unraveling the Science: Methylene Blue Metabolism in the Human Body

August 19, 2023

Article by Michael Quaranta

PharmD Candidate 2025
Medical College of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy


Methylene blue, available in oral and parenteral formulations, holds significant implications in the medical field. It is commonly used to treat acquired methemoglobinemia and vasoplegia syndrome, showcasing its diverse applications.

Mechanism of Action:

The drug’s mechanism of action involves inhibiting nitric oxide synthase and guanylate cyclase. As a result, methylene blue binds to heme in the blood, inhibiting guanylate cyclase, and preventing the formation of cGMP, leading to relaxation of blood vessels. Notably, it forms a metabolite called leukomethylene blue after binding to red blood cells. This metabolite serves as a potent reducing agent, facilitating the conversion of oxidized hemoglobin back into its functional oxygen-bearing state.

Mechanism of action

Considerations and Precautions:

However, caution is required when administering methylene blue to patients with a glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency. G6PD is the rate-limiting enzyme in the pentose phosphate pathway, and using methylene blue in such cases can result in hemolytic anemia.

Pharmacokinetics and Side Effects:

Regarding its pharmacokinetics, methylene blue’s oral bioavailability is hypothesized to range from 53% to 97% with approximately 94% protein binding. It exhibits a half-life elimination between 5 and 6.5 hours, with a time-to-peak of 1 to 2 hours for oral formulations. The drug undergoes first-pass metabolism and is primarily excreted in bile, feces, and urine, with 33% as leukomethylene blue.

Interactions and Cautions:

Common side effects of methylene blue include increased sweat production, upset stomach, skin discoloration, nausea, dizziness, and feelings of hot or cold. A substantial percentage of patients, around 84%, experience limb pain, and 74% report urine discoloration to a blue-green color. These side effects are self-limiting and resolve upon discontinuation of therapy.

It is crucial to be cautious when using methylene blue concurrently with serotonergic drugs, as there is an increased risk of serotonin syndrome. Therefore, SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOIs, and other serotonergic agents should be avoided during methylene blue therapy. Additionally, patients should be tested for a G6PD deficiency before initiating treatment, and its use is categorized as a category X agent during pregnancy.

Toxicity and Monitoring:

Due to its pharmacokinetic and pharmacogenomic profile, methylene blue may be considered a high-risk drug in some patient populations. Signs of methylene blue toxicity may include symptoms of serotonin syndrome, cardiac arrhythmias, decreased cardiac output, coronary vasoconstriction, increased pulmonary vascular pressure, increased pulmonary vascular resistance, and deterioration in gas exchange. Anaphylactic reactions have been documented but are exceedingly rare.

Toxicity and monitoring

Adequate patient monitoring is critical for those taking methylene blue, as there is no documented antidote to the drug. Renally impaired patients might require eGFR-based dosing adjustments, while hepatically impaired patients may need monitoring for potential toxicity. Regular tests such as complete blood count, basic metabolic panel, liver function, kidney function, arterial blood gas function, blood pH, and cardiac rhythm/rate/output monitoring may be necessary at the provider’s discretion.


Methylene blue remains a valuable tool in the medical world, but its administration requires careful consideration and monitoring to ensure its safe and effective use.


1. Methylene blue. In: Lexi-Drugs. Hudson, Ohio; Lexi-Comp, Inc.; (Reference Sources: 1, 2, 3, and 4).

2: McDonagh EM, Bautista JM, Youngster I, Altman RB, Klein TE. Pharmgkb summary:

methylene blue pathway. Pharmacogenetics and Genomics. 2013;23(9):498-508.


3:Ginimuge PR, Jyothi SD. Methylene blue: Revisited. Journal of anaesthesiology, clinical pharmacology. October 2010. Accessed July 16, 2023.

4: Bistas E, Sanghavi D. Methylene blue. National Library of Medicine. April 6, 2023. Accessed 2023