What is LDN good for? And the Power of Compounding

January 2, 2024
Explore 'What is LDN good for?' Learn how it effectively manages chronic pain, inflammation, and various autoimmune disorders in this comprehensive guide.

Unlocking Relief with LDN: A Breakthrough in Chronic Pain and Inflammatory Disorders Management

What is LDN good for?

Do you suffer from an inflammatory disorder? Do you suffer from chronic pain that negatively affects your life?

If yes, I think This is the time to know more about a unique customized approach that helps you to improve your quality of life.

When we feel severe pain, we feel as if our life is stopped.. Pain not only affects our body, it negatively affects our mood, our job, and our social life. In fact, it affects our whole life.

Unfortunately, the long use of traditional analgesics has a variety of adverse events, may cause stomach discomfort, kidney problems, blood pressure, and diabetic issues, especially for aging people who already suffer from such conditions! which gets you into trouble, should I tolerate pain or tolerate the side effects of traditional analgesics?!

So, what about a potent compound that relieves pain with negligible side effects?! A compound with a dosage specially tailored for you according to your needs, your condition, and your other treatments.

It is LDN (low-dose naltrexone)

In my opinion, LDN is considered a great breakthrough for chronic conditions, especially in aging.

Why LDN?

LDN has several advantages that may make it an attractive treatment option for several conditions: 

  1. Low cost: LDN price is lower than what would be paid for current patent medications for several conditions such as fibromyalgia.
  2. Low side effects: from experimental research done on a group of people, there are no reported side effects like ulcers or kidney and heart problems or any adverse events that may result from traditional analgesics and NSAIDs, no interaction with warfarin or other medications, no withdrawal symptoms.

Participants rate LDN as more tolerable than placebo.

 3. No known abuse potential: when naltrexone is used as a treatment for substance abuse, LDN doesn’t exert any euphoric or addiction symptoms, there are no cases of misuse or abuse.

Do you know! LDN is not only used for pain management, it has also been shown to be used for other conditions:

  1. Multiple sclerosis.
  2. Fibromyalgia.
  3. Chron’s disease.
  4. Chronic fatigue syndrome.
  5. Cancer.
  6. Gulf War syndrome.
  7. Myalgic encephalomyelitis.
  8. Autoimmune thyroid disorders.

How does LDN work? (mechanism of action of LDN)

LDN works in an amazing simple way called paradoxical effect! Which means it works oppositely to high dose naltrexone. in low dosage, naltrexone binds briefly to opioid receptors blocking natural opioids from binding, this “tricks” the brain into producing more natural opioids to “wash off” the low dose naltrexon. That increases the level of natural opioids in our body which provides pain relief and makes us feel good. This is the action of LDN in pain relief, it appears to act as an anti-inflammatory by another mechanism!

You may hear about microglial cells, they are cells that produce proinflammatory cytokines, free radicals, and nitric oxide, all of these substances are associated with inflammation and pain.

LDN is thought to stop microglia cells from being activated, this helps to control pain and inflammation.

It doesn’t go on its effect on opioids and microglia cells, it is thought to increase endorphin production which is considered a breakthrough that may help in the management of related several conditions.

LDN and Endorphin:

To know the effect of LDN on endorphins let’s enjoy this story؛First, let’s know the heroes of our story:

High dose naltrexone: FDA-approved drug for treatment of opioid addiction.  

Endorphin: a hormone produced by the body that activates the opioid receptors, promoting lower stress, relieving pain, improving mood, and supporting well-being sense.

In 1985 scientist called Dr. Bernard Bihari noticed the effect of LDN on endorphins and the immune system. During treatment of addicted patients diagnosed with acquired immunodiffecincy syndrome (AIDS) by naltrexone, he found that his patients had only a fraction of the endorphin they needed and inhibiting endorphin production during treatment with high dose naltrexone was further weakening their immune system.

After careful laboratory confirmations, Dr. Bernard found that low doses of naltrexone increase endorphins by 200-300%. He found that the patients treated with LDN had stopped their immune systems decline and the rate of mortality for AIDS patients was reduced. 

This led to an extensive investigation into the link between endorphins and the immune system and how LDN might help to strengthen both!

How does LDN help in multiple sclerosis?

Multiple sclerosis(MS) is an inflammatory demyelinating condition of the nervous system. It is considered a relentless dance of the immune system that attacks the nervous system!

LDN helps in MS as it seems to play a delicate waltz with the immune system, modulating its response and potentially reducing inflammation.

It’s great that Initial studies suggest LDN may improve fatigue, pain, and balance in MS patients.

How does LDN help in Chron’s disease?

Chron’s disease activity index (CDAI) is an index that is utilized in clinical trials to assess the severity of Chron’s disease. It can range (from 0 to 600) points.

A clinical trial showed that 88% of patients who take low-dose naltrexone (4.5mg/day) for 12 weeks had at least a 70-point decline in the Crohn’s Disease Activity Index score (CDAI). There was also a 5-point decline in the Crohn’s disease endoscopy index severity score in 78% of people taking low-dose naltrexone compared with 28% taking placebo.

Does LDN help in rheumatoid arthritis? 

Definitely yes, LDN for rheumatoid arthritis may play on several axes! Pain, inflammation, and immune system.

In rheumatoid arthritis, joints become an unfortunate goal for an overactive immune system, It seems to be a painful and debilitating war!

Fortunately, LDN with its anti-inflammatory properties and powerful analgesic effect may act as a new weapon in this war.

Studies suggest it may improve joint function, reduce pain, and improve the quality of life for those who live with this chronic condition.

LDN also may help in another autoimmune disease, the often-misunderstood condition, the silent storm of Hashimoto’s! It is “Hashimoto’s thyroiditis” where the immune system mistakenly attacks the thyroid gland making individuals feel drained and foggy.

LDN, with its immunomodulatory properties, may step in as a gentle mediator, potentially reducing inflammation and thyroid antibodies, leading to improved energy levels and better sleep.

The Role of LDN in Pain Management:

LDN has been tested experimentally for chronic pain conditions. One such condition is fibromyalgia (FM). 

FM is a chronic pain disorder that is characterized by diffuse musculoskeletal pain and sensitivity to mechanical stimulation, profound fatigue, cognitive disruption, and sleep difficulty which doesn’t respond to common anti-inflammatories. 

Fortunately, two separate small clinical trials showed that LDN may be an effective treatment for FM. In both trials, LDN was administered at 4.5 mg daily, once at night before bedtime. In the first crossover trial, published in 2009 [5], LDN reduced fibromyalgia pain significantly greater than placebo in 6 out of the 10 women.

To help validate the findings, a second study of 30 women with fibromyalgia was conducted [4]. 57 % of the participants were observed to exhibit a significant reduction of pain during LDN. With LDN treatment, half of the participants reported feeling “much improved” or “very much improved” from LDN. 

Together, these two studies suggest that LDN is superior to placebo in reducing the pain associated with fibromyalgia.

LDN has been mostly favorable with a rate of 7 out of 10 from a total of 61 ratings for the treatment of fibromyalgia.

Comments of some users:

  • “I have Lupus, Fibromyalgia, and severe arthritis in my neck. Naltrexone is the only drug that has worked”
  • “Naltrexone has been a Godsend for me”
  • “Naltrexone has changed my life in almost every way! Cured: fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, and Cushing disease! No more chronic pain”.

Beyond autoimmunity, LDN has been shown as an attractive factor for mental health resulting in improving quality of life.

LDN influence on mental health and overall quality of life is a fascinating emerging story. This repurposed medication helps with several mental conditions such as:

  • Depression: Several studies suggest LDN might be a promising adjunct therapy for treatment-resistant depression. A 2022 pilot trial found significant improvements in depressive symptoms with LDN, including reduced hopelessness and suicidal ideation, alongside improved sleep quality.
  • Anxiety: Early research hints at LDN’s potential in managing anxiety disorders. A 2019 study observed a significant reduction in anxiety symptoms in patients with social anxiety disorder taking LDN, alongside improved social functioning.

Hence, we can’t ignore the role of LDN in improving quality of life through its role in:

  • FatiguePreliminary evidence suggests LDN can improve energy levels and reduce fatigue in various populations, leading to enhanced daily functioning.
  • Brain Fog: The frustrating “brain fog” experienced by many with mental health struggles might be eased by LDN. Some studies suggest it can improve cognitive function and memory, contributing to a sharper mind and increased productivity.
  • Sleep QualityRestless nights are a common complaint in mental health battles! Some studies showed that LDN helps to improve sleep quality, and impacts mood, energy levels, and overall well-being.

LDN accessibility and customization: 

The beauty of this repurposed medication lies in its adaptability, allowing for compound LDN, a personalized blend tailored to individual needs and potentially leading to better patient outcomes.

By adjusting the dose and potentially combining LDN with other complementary medications or supplements, like vitamins or herbs, a healthcare professional can create a personalized blend that addresses your specific needs and maximizes the chances of success.

The strength of compounding is that it allows for precise, individualized adjustments. Everybody according to his adjustments, needs, other medications, specific symptoms, and body chemistry (absorption and metabolism). A healthcare professional can assess your unique needs and conditions.

You can communicate Welltopia consultation team to get your online consultation and to know more about compounding.

LDN side effects:

The beauty of the low-dose approach is its minimal side effects, which make it a drug of choice especially for aging and those who are on other treatments.

To ensure safety, Most studies point to LDN’s overall safety and tolerability.

It’s known that any treatment may induce some side effects like nausea vomiting and dizziness, if you have any side effects you should communicate with your pharmacist to evaluate your condition and tell you the best use of the drug to avoid side effects.

In conclusion, compound LDN offers a personalized pathway towards improved well-being for many individuals, for many conditions, with negligible side effects, low cost, and no potential addiction. One drug helps in several conditions like autoimmune diseases cancers and inflammatory disorders, however, the journey should be taken closely with an expert healthcare professional.

 Now, you can unlock the full potential of this adaptable medication and experience its positive impact on your health and quality of life. Just book your one-on-one consultation to dive into the LDN world! Welltopia consultation.

Finally, the next time you hear the whispers of LDN, remember – it’s not just a trendy buzzword, but a potential path towards a brighter future for many. 


Categories: Compounding