Who is eligible for the COVID-19 Vaccine?

February 22, 2021
Covid-19 Vaccine phases and eligibility

Have you received your COVID-19 Vaccine yet?! Don’t worry DHS is working to get the vaccine to all Wisconsin’s residents. However, our main targets are senior residents and health care providers; since they are the most people at risk. We assure you that The State of Wisconsin is absolutely committed to the equitable and fair distribution of the vaccine.

For more information about the federal prioritization guidelines please visit Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)(link is external) and the State Disaster Medical Advisory Committee (SDMAC).

Where can you get vaccinated?

COVID-19 Vaccine is pretty much like any other vaccine; there are many options where you can get it from; including health care providers, pharmacies, local health departments, places of employment, and community-based vaccination sites. If you are eligible please contact your health care provider or health department or watch social media and TV updates.

Currently eligible populations

Next eligible groups

Frontline health care personnel Education and child care
Residents and staff in skilled nursing and long-term care facilities Individuals enrolled in Medicaid long-term care programs
Police and fire personnel, correctional staff Some public-facing essential workers
Adults ages 65 and over Non-frontline essential health care personnel
  Facility staff and residents in congregate living settings

For more information about each priority population please visit:


Remember; Not ALL eligible populations will have the chance to get vaccinated currently; so if you still haven’t got the vaccine, remember to boost your immunity with the TOP COVID plan supplements; you’ll find a list of them click here


Categories: Blog, COVID-19