The Top 10 Benefits Of Magnesium Supplement

January 14, 2023
The Top 10 Benefits Of Magnesium Supplement

Overview Of Magnesium Supplement

Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a key role in many bodily functions and is often sourced through dietary means like whole grains, nuts, and legumes. Surprisingly, research has found that many people are deficient in this vital nutrient. Taking a magnesium supplement can help rectify a magnesium deficiency, but other potential benefits are associated with supplements containing the mineral. Magnesium Deficiency According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, magnesium deficiency is uncommon in developed countries, but it can occur in people who have diseases like diabetes, take certain medications like diuretics and antibiotics, and in those who have alcoholism.
Magnesium is an essential mineral for overall health, but it can also be beneficial when it comes to improving sleep quality. Many people are unaware of the potential magnesium supplement benefits for better sleep. With more and more research being done on its role when taken as a supplement, let’s look at what science says about this natural remedy.

Benefits Of Taking Magnesium Supplement

Magnesium has been a part of numerous essential processes in our bodies for centuries and is now regarded as one of the most important minerals for overall health. There are numerous benefits to supplementing with magnesium, from improved sleep and stress reduction to better cardiovascular health and bone density. Magnesium health benefits include

  1. Improved Sleep
  2. Elevated Mood
  3. Enhanced Bone Health
  4. Muscle recovery
  5. Boosted Energy Levels
  6. Improved Digestion
  7. Regulated Blood Pressure
  8. Increased Mental Focus
  9. Lower Risk of Diabetes
  10. Reduced Inflammation

Benefits Of Taking Magnesium Supplement

Can Magnesium Supplements Improve my Sleep?

Sleep disorders are a major problem in modern society. Many of us struggle to get enough quality sleep, which can lead to fatigue and lack of energy during the day. One way to improve your sleep is by taking magnesium supplements.
A study conducted in 2022 found that taking magnesium supplements daily improved both the duration and quality of sleep in participants who suffered from insomnia or poor sleeping habits. This was due to increased serum concentrations of melatonin, which helps regulate our internal body clock and alertness levels throughout the day. Research shows that taking a magnesium supplement may help improve overall sleep quality and reduce symptoms of insomnia in some people, particularly those with low levels of magnesium in their blood. Additionally, studies suggest that taking a daily dose of 200-400 mg of elemental magnesium can not only lead to improved sleep efficiency but also reduce nighttime wakefulness. To maximize its effectiveness as a sleep aid, it’s best to take the supplement at least four hours before bedtime or spread it out over two doses during the day.

Can Magnesium Elevate my Mood and Reduce Stress?

Stress is a common occurrence in the modern world, and it can take a toll on your physical and mental health. Many are turning to natural remedies to help reduce stress levels, with magnesium being one of the most popular options. Magnesium is essential for proper biochemical function, including the release and regulation of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine which influence our moods. This mineral has been used in traditional medicine to support healthy stress levels for centuries, but now researchers are beginning to uncover exactly how it works.
Magnesium is an important mineral for overall health, and it can play a particularly important role in mood. Studies have shown that magnesium supplement benefits are not only physical but also mental. Taking a magnesium supplement could be beneficial for those looking to improve their moods, as the mineral has been linked to lower levels of stress and improved brain function.
When taken daily, magnesium supplements can help alleviate symptoms associated with depression, anxiety, and even bipolar disorder. This is due to its ability to boost serotonin levels in the brain; serotonin is known as ‘the happiness hormone’ because elevated levels contribute to positive mental health states such as relaxation and contentment. Magnesium also increases GABA production, which reduces anxiety by calming the nervous system and decreasing excitability in the brain’s neurons.
Studies have shown that low magnesium levels are associated with increased anxiety-related behaviors. Supplementing with magnesium has been found to reduce cortisol levels significantly, thus helping bring down stress levels naturally. It also helps improve sleep quality by promoting relaxation at night and reducing stress hormones such as cortisol during wake hours.

Benefits of Magnesium for Bone Health

Research indicates that taking magnesium supplements may be beneficial for both adults and children who are looking to improve their bone health. For adults, taking a daily magnesium supplement has been associated with increased calcium absorption from food sources, leading to greater bone mineral density and improve overall bone health. Additionally, studies have found that long-term magnesium supplements can reduce the risk of fractures in older women. 

For children, studies suggest that a daily dose of magnesium can help support healthy bone growth and also reduce their risk of developing osteoporosis later in life.


Does Magnesium Help in Muscle Recovery?

Magnesium is a mineral found in abundance throughout the human body and has been known to help with muscle recovery. Studies have revealed that magnesium can play an important role in muscle health, as it helps to activate enzymes within the muscles that support joint and muscle function. Magnesium also works as an electrolyte, helping to reduce inflammation and spasms caused by intense workouts or strenuous activity. 

For athletes looking for additional ways to improve their performance and recovery, magnesium may be a useful tool. Studies suggest that regular magnesium supplements can help promote overall muscular health by reducing fatigue, improving range of motion during exercises, and aiding in post-workout pain relief. In addition to dietary sources, there are many different forms of magnesium available such as tablets, capsules, and powders, which makes it easy for individuals to incorporate into their daily routine.

Magnesium for bone and muscles

Using Magnesium to Boost Energy Levels

Most people understand that energy levels are essential for a healthy and active lifestyle. But many don’t know that magnesium plays an integral role in boosting energy levels. Magnesium helps to create ATP, the body’s main source of cellular energy, as well as being needed for enzymes in carbohydrate metabolism, which regulates blood sugar levels. It also acts as an electrolyte, helping muscles to contract and relax, leading to improved physical performance.
When your body is low in magnesium, you can experience fatigue, muscle tension, and cramps – all signs of a lack of energy. To boost your energy level, it is important to consume enough magnesium through your diet or by taking supplements. Foods such as spinach, nuts, seeds, and legumes are rich sources of magnesium.

The Relation Between Magnesium and Proper Digestion?

Magnesium is a mineral that has many health benefits, including aiding in proper digestion. Magnesium plays an important role in the absorption of nutrients from the foods we eat. Without adequate magnesium levels, our bodies cannot properly digest and absorb food. Magnesium helps to regulate bowel movements and can reduce symptoms of constipation by helping to move waste through the intestines more quickly. Additionally, magnesium assists with gas production in the intestines, which helps to break down large molecules into smaller ones for better absorption.
For this process to work effectively, we must consume enough dietary sources of magnesium or take supplements as needed. Various foods such as leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and legumes are all good sources of magnesium. Talk to your doctor if you think you need additional supplementation beyond what you can get from your diet alone.

What is The Effect of Magnesium Deficiency on Blood Pressure?

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a dangerous and potentially life-threatening condition that affects millions of people around the world. Studies have shown that magnesium can play an important role in helping to regulate blood pressure and reduce the risk of hypertension.

Magnesium is an essential mineral with many important functions within the body, including aiding in muscle contraction, nerve transmission, and energy production. It also helps to protect against cardiovascular disease by reducing inflammation and improving artery health. A recent study found that regular supplementation with magnesium was associated with lower blood pressure readings among individuals with hypertension. Additionally, those who consume higher amounts of dietary magnesium may be less likely to develop heart conditions such as stroke or coronary artery disease. 

The findings suggest that increasing dietary intake or supplementing with magnesium could help to reduce the risk of developing hypertension and other serious cardiac conditions. 

Research has indicated that supplementing the diet with magnesium can help improve hypertension in both pre-and post-menopausal women, as well as reduce levels of arterial stiffness, which is associated with hypertension. Additionally, magnesium helps regulate electrolytes in the body which are responsible for maintaining the normal functioning of muscles and nerves. This is believed to be an effective way to prevent further adverse health effects related to elevated levels of blood pressure.

Magnesium Deficiency on Blood Pressure?

Magnesium Increases Mental Focus

Magnesium is a mineral that has been known to have a huge impact on mental focus, memory, and even Alzheimer’s Disease. Studies have proven that magnesium can help improve concentration, making it easier for individuals to focus on studying and work projects. Not only does it help increase focus, but taking magnesium can also reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s Disease in later years.
Magnesium helps increase the production of neurotransmitters which are important for creating memories. This allows individuals to create memories more efficiently and retain information better than before. With improved memory comes increased levels of concentration as well, allowing people to be more attentive when studying or completing tasks at work. Taking magnesium regularly also improves cognitive function, which helps with problem-solving skills and increases one’s ability to learn quickly.

why does Magnesium Lower the Risk of Diabetes?

Diabetes is a serious health condition that affects millions of patients worldwide. It can dramatically impact the quality of life and is caused by high levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood. Recent studies have suggested that taking magnesium supplements may lower the risk of diabetes, making it an important factor for those at risk.
Magnesium is an essential mineral that has been linked to a reduced risk of diabetes in patients. A study conducted by the Metabolic Institute found that magnesium helps promote proper insulin secretion in the body, which is key to maintaining healthy blood glucose levels. This means that adequate amounts of magnesium can help reduce a patient’s risk of developing diabetes as it supports the body’s ability to regulate sugar absorption and metabolism.
Moreover, research has shown that magnesium-rich diets are associated with improved glucose tolerance and lower fasting glucose levels. For this reason, medical professionals suggest increasing your intake of magnesium through foods like nuts, whole grains, and leafy greens to reduce your risk for diabetes. It is also important to note that supplementing with additional magnesium may be beneficial for those already at risk for developing diabetes or who have a family history of the disease.

Magnesium Role in Reducing Inflammation

Inflammation occurs when the body’s natural defenses respond to infection or injury and can damage healthy tissue if left unchecked. Magnesium helps to regulate this response, allowing the body to heal without damaging healthy cells and tissues. Research has shown that magnesium can help reduce pain, swelling, and tenderness associated with inflammation while also helping to restore function to affected areas of the body. 

Plus, studies have shown that supplementing with magnesium can help reduce C-reactive proteins (CRP), which are markers of inflammation in the body. In addition, other research indicates that taking magnesium supplements helps reduce pain associated with inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. 

Magnesium Role in Reducing Inflammation

What is The Best Dosage Form of Magnesium to Take?

Magnesium supplements are available in various forms, including capsules, tablets, powders, and liquids. When looking for the best form of magnesium to take, capsules are often a preferred choice due to their convenience. They are also easy to find at most health food stores and pharmacies. Additionally, they tend to have higher concentrations of magnesium than other forms like powders or liquids and making it easier to control dosage amounts. Capsules may also help prevent stomach irritation since magnesium is absorbed more slowly into the bloodstream than other forms that must pass through the digestive tract first.
Capsules are generally considered one of the most reliable dosage forms of magnesium due to their convenience and ability to regulate dosing while avoiding stomach discomfort.

What Are The forms of Magnesium supplements?

There are several forms of magnesium supplements available on the market today, including Magnesium oxide, Magnesium citrate, Magnesium hydroxide, and Magnesium glycinate. Each type has its own unique set of benefits and drawbacks, so it’s essential to understand each one before deciding which supplement is right for you.

  • Magnesium oxide: This form is commonly used in supplements because it is inexpensive and well-absorbed by the body. However, it can cause digestive side effects like diarrhea in some people.
  • Di-magnesium malate: is a combination of two molecules of magnesium with one molecule of malic acid. This form offers higher levels of elemental magnesium than oxide, making it more effective for increasing serum levels within the body. It also has fewer side effects when consumed on a daily basis since it is better tolerated by the digestive system.
  • Magnesium citrate: This form is well-absorbed and less likely to cause digestive side effects than magnesium oxide. It is often used as a laxative to treat constipation.
  • Magnesium glycinate: This form is well-absorbed and less likely to cause digestive side effects than other forms of magnesium. It is often used to improve sleep and reduce anxiety.
  • Magnesium hydroxide: This form is often used as an antacid to treat heartburn and indigestion. It is not as well absorbed as other forms of magnesium.

Why Do We Recommend Magnesium Soothe as a Magnesium supplement?

  • Magnesium Soothe Provides three unique forms of highly absorbed magnesium to ensure maximum absorption of this important macromineral. While most magnesium supplements use only a single source of magnesium, which can easily overwhelm a single pathway of absorption and limit the uptake of high-dose magnesium.
  • Magnesium Soothe is a capsule dosage form that is less irritating to the stomach and allows higher magnesium concentrations and a controlled dosage amount.
  • The forms of magnesium used in Magnesium Soothe preserve GI comfort while maximizing absorption and restoring magnesium levels in the body.


Magnesium SootheMagnesium Soothe

Magnesium Soothe

$16.10 / 2 months – $42.90

What is The Recommended Dosage of Magnesium To take?

When it comes to taking magnesium, knowing the correct dosage is essential for achieving optimal health benefits. Magnesium is a mineral that helps regulate many bodily functions, including muscle and nerve function, blood sugar levels, and blood pressure.
The recommended dosage of magnesium depends on several factors, such as age and overall health.

Age Male Female
Birth to 6 months (AI) 30 mg 30 mg
7–12 months (AI) 75 mg 75 mg
1–3 years (RDA) 80 mg 80 mg
4–8 years (RDA) 130 mg 130 mg
9–13 years (RDA) 240 mg 240 mg
9–13 years (RDA) 410 mg 360 mg
19–30 years (RDA) 400 mg 310 mg
31–50 years (RDA) 420 mg 320 mg
51+ years (RDA) 420 mg 320 mg


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