The Most Effective Shingles Vaccine

July 5, 2020
Shingrix video

1 in 3 Americans will get Shingles in their lifetime. If you haven’t gotten your Shingrix shots already, here’s why you should do that right away! Book your Shingrix Shot appointment here

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Shingrix Is at Welltopia!

Shingrix, the long-awaited Shingles vaccine, is available at Welltopia! This is BIG news as this vaccine has seen such unprecedented demand, to the point that there is massive shortage for it in all 50 states! But, thankfully, as part of our Welltopia family, all you have to do is call us, make your appointed, get vaccinated — and you are set!

You probably are wondering, however, about all the buzz surrounding the Shingrix vaccine. What makes it different from other Shingles vaccines, and why is it being recommended by the majority of healthcare providers across the spectrum? Well, we are all about being ready! The following Q&As should cover most the frequently asked questions around Shringrix.

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Preventive Measures Essentials

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