10 Health Benefits of Turmeric and Curcumin

March 15, 2023

Overview on Turmeric

Turmeric is a known spice that comes from the roots of the Curcuma longa plant. It has a mild scent and a warm, bitter, and peppery flavor. It’s significantly used in India and the Middle East in food recipes and Ayurveda (the Indian system of holistic medicine, which uses mainly plant-based drugs to treat various diseases).

In recent years, Turmeric has started to become a part of conventional medicine because of the Numerous types of research that showed that Turmeric does have significant therapeutic benefits.

Curcumin is the main natural polyphenol found in the rhizome of Turmeric, and it’s responsible for the therapeutic effect.

What Are The 10 Benefits Of Turmeric?

  1. Antibacterial & Antiviral.
  2. Anti-inflammatory.
  3. Anti-tumor.
  4. Antioxidant.
  5. Antiseptic.
  6. Cardioprotective.
  7. Hepatoprotective
  8. Nephroprotective.
  9. Radioprotective.
  10. Aid in digestion.

What Are The 10 Benefits Of Turmeric

What Is The Best Benefit Of Turmeric?

Turmeric’s role as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory makes it excellent in the management of most oxidative and inflammatory conditions, metabolic syndrome, arthritis, anxiety, hyperlipidemia, exercise-induced inflammation, muscle soreness, and many other conditions.

What Can Turmeric Supplement Cure?

Turmeric is a herbal medicine used as a treatment or as an adjuvant therapy; some examples include:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Chronic anterior uveitis.
  • Conjunctivitis.
  • Skin and colon cancer.
  • Smallpox.
  • Chickenpox
  • Wound healing
  • Urinary tract infections.
  • Liver and gallbladder complaints.
  • Digestive disorders and dyspepsia (Recommended dose of 1.3–3.0 g per day)

Uses Of Turmeric Supplement

Curcumin has poor bioavailability (poor absorption, rapid metabolism, and rapid elimination) when ingested in its natural form. It’s better to take Turmeric as a supplement to reach the desired effect.

Turmeric supplements may be used in providing recovery support after exercise or activity, works as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and boost immune response and act as adjuvant therapy in numerous diseases.

Who Should Not Use Turmeric?

Turmeric is not recommended in the case of allergy to Zingiberaceae plants.
Regarding pregnancy, Turmeric has been considered safe for hundreds of years when used as a spice, and it doesn’t affect fetal development, but precautions should be taken when Turmeric is used as a supplement in high concentration; this is due to the lack of clinical studies and because Turmeric is believed to cause uterine stimulation.

Uses Of Turmeric Supplement

What Are The Side Effects Of Turmeric Supplement?

There are some reports of side effects such as diarrhea, allergic contact dermatitis, urticaria, headache, yellow stool, nausea, and increased serum alkaline phosphatase and lactate dehydrogenase, but these adverse events’ appearance is minimal.

Dosage Of Turmeric Supplement

The recommended dose may vary according to the condition treated, and no curcumin dosage standards are available. Despite that, The value of the Allowable Daily Intake (ADI) of Turmeric has been determined by the European Food Safety Authority to be 0-3 mg per kilogram of body weight (Roughly 0-1.4 mg per pound)

Is There Any Danger In Taking Turmeric Supplement?

Turmeric is known to be a safe ingredient. No studies have discovered any toxic effects associated with using Turmeric, so it is clear that it is not toxic.

What Happens When You Take Turmeric Daily?

Your general health and physical activity will improve as Turmeric is an antioxidant, you will recover from unwanted inflammation, and the response to treatment in case of hay fever, depression, osteoarthritis, and hyperlipidemia will be better.

There is an increasing interest in using Turmeric for other purposes, but there isn’t enough reliable information to say whether it might be helpful.

When Should You Avoid Turmeric?

  1. If you are allergic to it or to any of its constituents.
  2. Turmeric’s high consumption may potentiate the action of anti-platelet or anticoagulant drugs. Therefore, you must ask your doctor for dose adjustments before taking Turmeric supplement with Ginkgo biloba, garlic, aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), clopidogrel (Plavix), dipyridamole (Persantine), ticlopidine (Ticlid), warfarin (Coumadin), or enoxaparin (Lovenox) or if you have blood coagulation disorder.
  3. In cases of scheduled surgery, curcumin use should be stopped to avoid hemorrhage.
  4. Turmeric should be applied with caution in diabetic patients when treated with drugs that lower blood glucose levels as animal studies suggested that Turmeric can lower the blood glucose level and, as a result, it has additive effects with oral antidiabetic drugs and insulin.
  5. Turmeric can decrease blood pressure, but it has additive effects if taken with antihypertensives, so Turmeric should be used with caution when administered to a hypertensive patient.
  6. Turmeric aid in digestion, and it may increase stomach acid levels, so when it’s associated with antacids, such as cimetidine (Tagamet), famotidine (Pepcid), ranitidine (Zantac), and omeprazole, it may inhibit their effectiveness.

When Should You Avoid Turmeric

How Quickly Does Turmeric Supplement Start working?

A clinical study demonstrated that Curcumin is absorbed after an oral dose and can be detected as glucuronide and sulfate conjugate in the plasma. The tmax and t1/2 were estimated to be 3.29±0.43 hr and 6.77±0.83 hr, respectively. This proves that Turmeric supplement action is achieved from the first day of administration.

How Do You Get The Best Turmeric Supplement Online?

Welltopia offers several supplements that are rich in Turmeric, such as:
1. Boswellia-Turmeric Complex: it’s a combination of three standardized botanical extracts: Boswellia serrata, Turmeric root, and Devil’s Claw. It’s a unique formula that provides normal recovery and support after exercise or activity of the joints and muscles.
2. Turmeric Glow: It contains an exclusive blend of bioactive nutrients that act as Potent antioxidant, Supports microbiome diversity, Maintains normal inflammatory balance, and Enhances and balances immune function.
3. Turmeric 50X: it’s a High Potency Curcumin that is 50 Times Stronger than Plain Turmeric and contains Fiber Coated CurcuBeads™ for Optimal Dispersion.

Why Do We Recommend Tumeric Glow

Turmeric Glow offers a well-rounded blend of turmeric phytonutrients that help support normal inflammatory balance and strengthen immune reserves.

Complete formula that provides comprehensive benefits and supports healthy breathing, cognitive function, gut and immune function.

  1. Whole-root turmeric and its active components have been used in traditional Ayurvedc medicine for centuries.
  2. Whole root provides far greater therapeutic benefit than just one isolated compound of turmeric.
  3. Delivering the full-spectrum health benefits of the whole turmeric root without excipients or other additives.
  4. The molecular structure contributes to its bio-efficacy and maximizes its pleiotropic effects, making it an essential support to balance various biochemical pathways in our body.
  5. The Complete formula is unique and delivers the full-spectrum health benefits of the whole turmeric root.

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