Looking for the best iron supplement? Our comprehensive guide reviews top iron supplements for women, considering factors like age, lifestyle, and specific heal ...
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It was the first time when I suffered from severe dizziness, hard breathing, headache, and fatigue. I was pregnant and these symptoms negatively affected my daily life, and my usual activities. When I checked up, my hemoglobin was 8 (when the normal hemoglobin level in pregnancy should be >11) ! Oh, I was suffering from iron deficiency anemia. Everybody may get iron deficiency anemia. It affects all ages, children, toddlers, and older, women, from menstruation and pregnancy to menopause! Do you know? iron deficiency anemia is the most prevalent nutritional deficiency worldwide. It affected about 4-5 million Americans yearly, according to NHANES (national health and nutrition examination survey)from 2003 to 2012. Being a woman makes you in high need to iron supplements due to blood loss during menstruation, then the high requirement of the fetus’s rapid growth during pregnancy and lactation, then during menopause.
What is iron deficiency anemia?
Functionally it is insufficient red blood cell mass to adequately deliver oxygen to peripheral tissues. It is determined usually by measuring the hemoglobin concentration. The reference ranges for hemoglobin concentration are:
Male: 14-18 g/dL.
Female: 12-16 g/dL.
Pregnant female: >11 g/dL.
Elderly: slight decrease in values.
6-18 years: 10-15.5 g/dL. If your hemoglobin is lower than normal, then you may have IDA.
What are the types of iron supplements?
According to NIH (national institute of Health) frequently used supplements include ferrous and ferric iron salts :
Ferrous sulfate.
Ferric sulfate.
Ferrous gluconate.
Ferric citrate.
You may confused between these types, what is the difference between them? Which type can I choose? You can find on the label of the iron supplement two numbers. Higher number (refers to the chemical amount of the iron salt), and lower number(refers to the actual amount of iron absorbed by the body, called elemental iron). Elemental iron is the more important number because this is the actual amount your body can absorb and do the desired effect. So, when choosing an iron supplement you should concentrate on the amount of elemental iron. You should contact your healthcare professional to know what is the most suitable supplement for you.
What is the importance of iron supplements for pregnant women?
If you are pregnant or planning for pregnancy you should know that insufficient iron intake during pregnancy will lead to iron-deficiency anemia. And low intake also increases your infants’ risk of low-birth weight, premature birth, and low iron stores, and may lead to impaired cognitive and behavioral development. A survey from (NHANES (found that 18% of pregnant women in the United state have iron deficiency anemia in the period from 1999 to 2006. A randomized clinical trial showed that iron supplementation can prevent IDA in pregnant women, therefore can prevent the potential risk to the fetus.
What is the best iron supplement for women during pregnancy?
The RDA(recommended daily allowance) for women is 18 mg and 27 mg during pregnancy and 9 mg during lactation. It is known that ferrous salts are preferred as iron supplements to ferric. Due to its solubility and absorption like:
Ferrous gluconate: is an iron salt of gluconic acid, it is a highly absorbed form of iron salts and is easy to be tolerated by the stomach, But contains less amount of mineral iron.
Ferrous sulfate: has a high amount of elemental iron than ferrous gluconate, but it is less tolerated by the stomach causing constipation and stomach upset. it is also less absorbed by the body than ferrous gluconate.
Ferrous fumarate: has high amounts of elemental iron than ferrous sulfate and gluconate, So it is a highly effective iron supplement. But not tolerated by the stomach! Causing GIT side effects like constipation, cramps, and stomach upset.
The Disrupted issues of iron salts led scientists to discover a new interesting technology that provides fewer side effects and high absorption, and high bioavailability. It is using liposomes as carriers to get “liposomal iron “ Using liposomal iron therapy helps to improve iron absorption and reduce the side effects of other iron salts, especially during pregnancy.
Do I need iron supplements after menopause?
After menopause, a women’s need to iron decreases as her menstrual cycle ends. And recommendations of iron supplements decline to 8 mg/day. But the hormone estradiol can interfere with how the body metabolizes iron. Menopausal women can also have low iron even if they are not having periods.
Importance of the balanced diet
For all ages of life, you have to get a balanced diet, because any nutrient deficiency such as vitamins C, A, B, and zinc, iron, and selenium can negatively affect your all health and can weaken parts of your immunity. A well-balanced diet can provide you with:
The energy that keeps you active during the day.
Nutrients that keep you strong and promote your growth development and prevent health issues such as anemia, some cancers, and low immunity.
A balanced weight, balanced diet keeps your weight not to be overweight or underweight.
You should keep in touch with your healthcare professional to adjust your daily diet according to your age, and your health condition, or to keep an adjusted weight. You can contact Welltopia consultation team, to get one on one private consultation.
Iron deficiency anemia is a worldwide health issue that can affect all populations, causing other health problems if not treated like impaired cognition, heart diseases, weakness, fatigue, and face and hand problems such as pale face, and brittle nails. So to avoid these symptoms you have to know what is the daily requirement of iron suitable for you, what is the balanced diet that provides you with adjusted nutrients and calories, you have to know what is the best suitable iron supplement for you.
Why do we recommend welltopia iron supplement?
Iron supplement® from welltopia is prepared in liposomal technology, which ensures high efficacy, and high bioavailability, with low side effects. Some advantages of Liposomal iron over iron salts supplements:
Better absorption and bioavailability: the iron is encapsulated with liposome which protects it from stomach acid breakdown improving its absorption and decreasing side effects.
Low side effects: traditional iron salts may cause gastrointestinal tract disturbance, constipation, and stomach upset, but liposomal iron is gentle on the stomach reducing these effects.
Lower doses of liposomal iron equal in effect higher doses of traditional iron salts, due to liposomal iron’s high effect.
Better compliance: it is easier for people, especially aging, to comply with their treatment regimen as it can be taken once a day rather than traditional iron salts may require multiple doses per day.