PCCA Formula # 11425 Loperamide HCl 1 mg/Gm Rectal Gel (MucoLox™/VersaBase®) [Fox M, Stutz B, Menne D, Fried M, Schwizer W, Thumshirn M. The effects of loperamide on continence problems and anorectal function in obese subjects taking orlistat. Dig Dis Sci. 2005 Sep;50(9):1576-83.]
PCCA Formula # 5814 Belladonna Alkaloids 0.004 mg/mL/Phenobarbital 0.54 mg/mL/Kaolin/Pectin Oral Suspension
PCCA Formula # 3673 Kaolin/Pectin/Belladonna/Paregoric Mixture, Alternate