Coronavirus Updates and Information

May 23, 2020

The first step in being prepared is being informed and tracking updates from trusted sources. Therefore, as your partner in health, Welltopia Pharmacy will post news updates, health recommendations, and expert answers to commonly asked questions regarding this rapidly evolving situation.

National Updates

  • A study by the National Institute of Health (NIH) shows that treatment with the antiviral drug Remdesivir developed by Gilead Science Inc. has reduced lung damage & disease progression in monkeys with COVID-19. Note: The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that currently there are no FDA approved drugs to treat COVID-19.
  • An expert panel assembled by the NIH recommends against the use of Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin by doctors to treat COVID-19 patients pending definitive clinical trial data.
  • In addition to respiratory issues, COVID-19 patients are in danger of blood clots based on clinical observations and new studies.
  • According to several studies, the virus strain which causes COVID-19 can remain in aerosols for up to 3 hours, up to 24 on cardboard, and 2-3 days on plastic and stainless steel.
  • A new National Institute Of Health (NIH) study will predict the number of undetected COVID-19 cases by testing participants for antibodies to the virus.
  • The U.S. CDC and National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL) confirmed the first cases of COVID-19 infections in two pet cats. However, at this time animal testing is not recommended.
  • Find out the latest about each state’s stay-at-home order and when they plan to reopen.

Protective Measures

  • How do I protect myself?

      • Stay at home as much as possible.
      • Observe social distancing when in public (a 6 feet distance between you and the nearest individual).
      • Wash your hands with warm water for at least 20 seconds, or use a hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol.
      • Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands.
      • Cover your nose and mouth with a face covering.

    More information:

  • What precautionary measures can I take in my home?

    • Clean, then disinfect all frequently touched surfaces regularly with EPA registered household disinfectants. More information:
    • Increase ventilation in your home.
  • What do I do if I am sick?

    • If you experience fever, cough, or any other known symptoms of the virus, you may have COVID-19. If your symptoms are mild, you may be able to recover at home.
    • Contact your healthcare provider & call head before your visit.
    • Keep careful track of your symptoms.
    • Wear a face covering when around others.
    • Stay home except to receive medical attention, and separate yourself from others in your home.
    • Avoid sharing household items.
    • Clean and disinfect surfaces you commonly touch, and areas with any bodily fluids.

    To determine when it’s safe to end home isolation visit this link:

  • How do I know if I need immediate medical attention?

    • If you experience difficulty breathing/ shortness of breath, chest pain, new confusion, or bluish lips or face. Note: this list is not all-inclusive, seek advice from your medical provider regarding any other symptoms which you find severe.

    More information: What to Do If You Are Sick with COVID-19?


  • How do I protect myself if I am caring for someone who is sick?

    • Isolate the sick person in their own room if possible.
    • Have only one person providing care.
    • Ask the sick person to wear a face covering. If not, the caregiver should wear the mask instead.
  • What medication & supplies should I have in my home in the case of self-isolation?

  • What supplements can I take to boost our immune system during this time?

    • Vitamin C (i.e Sufficient C, Buffered Vitamin C, or C Defense Gummies)
    • Vitamin D (i.e K-Force, D3 or K2)
    • Green Tea Extract (i.e. EGCG)
    • Colloidal Silver (i.e. Argentyn 23, or Silvercillin)
    • Quercetin (D-Hist, or Quercetin- Ascorbate)
    • Multi-vitamin (i.e. Mitocore, or Active Life Nutrient Capsules)
    • Probiotic (Ortho-Biotic)
    • Turmeric (i.e Turiva)

    Omar the Pharmacist on Immune system boosting supplements:

    Blog articles containing more information:

  • What immune system boosting supplements can I give to my children that are also delicious?

    • Multi-vitamin and multi-mineral (I.e Purepals chewable tablets with Iron)
    • Colloidal Silver (I.e. Silvercillin Spray or SilverCillin Liquid)
    • Omega 3 Fish Oil (Pure Omega Plus Fish)
    • Probiotic ( Ther-biotic Children’s Chewable probiotics)

    Omar the Pharmacist on Immune system boosting supplements for children:

    Blog articles containing more information:

  • During this stressful time, what supplements can I take to promote optimal focus during the day and relaxation at night?

    • RelaxMax
    • Cogniquil

    Omar the Pharmacist on Focus & Relax Gift Pack:

  • Will patients taking ACE inhibitors experience more severe symptoms if they contract COVID-19?

    Patients taking ACE Inhibitors (i.e. Lisinopril) will not experience more severe symptoms if they become ill with COVID-19. This myth originated from the concern that COVID-19 binds to an enzyme called ACE2 to infect cells, and so if a patient uses ACE-inhibitors, ACE2 levels would increase. Cardiology societies have issued statements declaring that these speculations are incorrect. In fact, patients taking ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers shouldn’t discontinue their treatment unless told to do so by their physician.

    Video containing further information:

  • What to know about direct-to-consumer antibody tests?

    Not all antibody tests are created equal.
    Read in ABC News:

COVID-19 and other illnesses

  • Why worry about coronavirus when the flu kills so many people?

COVID-19 is twice as contagious as the flu, as well as has a much higher mortality rate. Additionally, persons who have contracted COVID-19 may be asymptomatic for up to 14 days, and some may not show symptoms at all during which time they are very contagious. Finally, while a vaccine is available for the flu, it may be long before one becomes available for COVID-19.

More information:

  • Can I have the flu and coronavirus at the same time?

Yes, while they share similar symptoms, testing positive for either doesn’t exempt you from having the other.

More information:

  • How do I differentiate between seasonal allergies, the flu, and COVID-19?

While it is imperative to contact your healthcare provider in such a situation, some indicators that can help you understand your illness.


Different_Symptoms_for_Coronavirus_Flu_and_Allergies (1)

Managing COVID-19 stress

  • Should I be afraid?

While it is important to stay vigilant, if one is knowledgeable on how to maintain and improve our health from here on, this can become a period of growth.


New Discoveries on COVID-19

  • Can COVID-19 impact the brain?

Yes, clinical evidence is showing that COVID-19 may impact the brain. Patients have reported neurological symptoms such as loss of taste & smell, headaches, skeletal muscular injury, and impaired consciousness. Additionally, doctors are noticing a rise in strokes.


More information:

  • Can Famotidine (Pepcid) help treat COVID-19?

While a clinical trial is currently being conducted on the effect of intravenous Famotidine treatments on COVID-19 patients, there are no verified results. Therefore, there is no evidence that it is an effective treatment.


COVID-19 and our pets

  • Can animals contract COVID-19?

Yes, multiple COVID-19 animal cases have emerged. Research is showing that animals are susceptible to the infection with cats being more vulnerable than dogs.



  • Can animals spread COVID-19 infections to people?

At this time there is no evidence that any animals can spread the infection to people.

  • How can I protect my pet if I am diagnosed with COVID-19?

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) and the Centers for Disease COntrol and Prevention (CDC), until more information is known about the virus, individuals sick with COVID-19 should also separate themselves from their pets. They should avoid contact, and when possible find another person to care for them in the meantime.


animal covid

Categories: Blog, COVID-19