5 Nutrient Deficiency Signs

March 16, 2018

With all of the emphasis on clean and healthy living these days, it is easy to think that nutrient deficiencies are a thing of the past. Especially with all of the information available about which nutrients and how much our bodies need to function at their best. However, this is not the case. Here are five nutrient deficiencies that are still common, and some of the signs you need to watch out for.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is not a nutrient that can be found in the body or stored in it for long periods of time. It is, however, important to get on a regular basis to help make DNA and red blood cells as well as other things. While a deficiency is not common amongst people in the U.S., it can occur.

Signs of this deficiency include feelings of weakness, tiredness, lightheadedness and memory loss. Some other symptoms may be heart palpitations, shortness of breath, pale skin, vision loss, digestion issues such as loss of appetite, constipation, and gas, among others. To combat a nutrient deficiency, it is recommended that you consume meat and dairy products, or a supplement if you have a dietary restriction.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for multiple systems throughout your body, with every cell in your body having receptors for it. With an estimated 1 billion people believed to have this deficiency, it is one of the most common.

Signs of this deficiency can include developing infections or getting sick frequently, wounds that heal more slowly after injury or surgery, muscle pain, back and bone pain. This vitamin is typically found in eggs, fortified cereals, salmon, and sunlight.


While it is not talked about as often, potassium is a vital nutrient for muscle strength, nerve function, and keeping your cardiovascular system healthy.

Signs of this deficiency include constipation, fatigue, high blood pressure, loss of muscle strength, muscle aches and spasms, and dizziness. While most people think of banana when potassium is mentioned, sweet potatoes, frozen spinach, and black beans all have more potassium than the famous yellow fruit.


Iron has the important task in our bloodstreams of carrying oxygen to every cell in our body. It is vital to many functions our body performs every day.

Signs of an iron deficiency include extreme levels of exhaustion and fatigue, pale skin, frequent infections, swollen tongue, and hair loss. Nutrient deficiencies can often be treated in similar ways. A deficiency in iron can be treated by adding the same foods as you would for a Vitamin B12 deficiency.


Calcium is necessary for building and maintaining strong bones, and for proper heart, muscle and nerve function. It is also one of the most common nutrient deficiencies for Americans.

Signs typically do not show up except in severe cases but include memory loss or confusion, muscle cramps or spasms, brittle and weak nails, and more. Calcium can be found in dairy products and leafy greens, along with fish and nuts.

Contact Us

While the health risks associated with these nutrient deficiencies are serious, there are many ways to make sure you have more of these nutrients in your body – including vitamins and supplements. For advice on creating the best combination of supplements for you, contact us today at Welltopia Pharmacy.

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