Hormone Replacement therapy


Male Hypogonadism

Female Hormone Therapy

As people age, the amounts of hormones like estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone produced by the body naturally begin to decline. While this decline is a normal consequence of getting older and affects both men and women, it may cause a number of unpleasant side effects that can dramatically impact nearly every aspect of a person’s life.

As a result of these changes in hormone levels, women experience hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and decreases in libido, while men suffer from erectile dysfunction and loss of energy. Both men and women can experience muscle weakness, insomnia, irritability, and cognitive declines as a result of hormone fluctuations.

Fortunately, people no longer have to accept these changes as a fact of life. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is a convenient, safe, and effective way for patients to bring balance and harmony back to their hormonal levels and their lives.

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is the practice of using synthetic versions of hormones to balance and restore hormone levels. These synthetic hormones are biologically identical to those created by the body, ensuring that patients experience few if any adverse side effects, and are delivered in precise ratios that are customized to each patient’s unique hormonal imbalances.

Because we understand that no two patients are alike, Welltopia Pharmacy provides our clients with custom-compounded bioidentical hormones created using PCCA products. PCCA provides pharmacies with the highest standard of pharmaceutical chemicals available today. Welltopia Pharmacy is currently the only pharmacy in the greater Milwaukee area to offer them.

Before patients can begin their bioidentical hormone replacement therapy regimen, they must first schedule a consultation appointment with a member of our pharmaceutical staff. During this consultation appointment, a hormone test will be conducted, and the patient will be able to discuss the symptoms they’d like to resolve through bioidentical hormone therapy. Using this information, our experts will devise a customized blend of bioidentical hormones that can address the patient’s unique hormone deficiencies.

Have you found yourself experiencing muscle weakness, loss of energy, decreased sex drive, declines in concentration, and other unpleasant physical and mental changes as you’ve gotten older? These could be symptoms of changes in the levels of hormones vital to the body’s mental and physical functioning. If you live in Ozaukee County or greater Milwaukee area and are interested in exploring the benefits customized bioidentical hormone replacement therapy could bring to your life.

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Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
Welltopia Compounding Pharmacy In Wisconsin
Experts For Prescriptions & Custom BHRT Compounding Medications