Hormone Therapy and Osteoporosis: Bone Protection

March 17, 2024
A close-up of an older adult's hands clasping their knee, suggestive of joint or bone discomfort, while seated on a couch, and he needs Hormone Therapy and Osteoporosis.


Hormone Therapy and Osteoporosis: Osteoporosis is the silent leading cause of bone fracture! A decrease in bone mineral density will make the bones more prone to break easily.

Osteoporosis can happen to anyone, but the risk is higher in older age and post-menopausal women.

Hormone Replacement Therapy is the optimal solution! It is a significant preventative measure for osteoporosis, as low levels of some hormones like estrogen may increase the risk of developing poor bone density.

Now, you will discover with us about the Hormone Therapy and Osteoporosis and the key role of hormone replacement therapy in preventing osteoporosis.


Understanding Osteoporosis Risk During Menopause

Hormonal changes during menopause will disturb the normal bone turnover cycle. Estrogen deficiency will decrease the the activity of osteoblasts (cells that build bones) and increase the activity of osteoclasts (cells that degrade bones).

This will cause a net result of losing bone density over time which unfortunately may result in developing osteoporosis. 

Therefore, it is better to understand Hormone Therapy and Osteoporosis and take it as a suitable solution.


Hormone Therapy and Osteoporosis

Hormone Therapy and Osteoporosis: Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is an incredible intervention for bone health as it can reduce bone density loss by mimicking estrogen and progesterone.

Women who use hormone Replacement Therapy will have the benefit of minimizing hormonal disturbance with the addition of skeletal protection.

The need for medications that prevent or treat osteoporosis is usually minimal with HRT! Skeletal benefits appear with patients using transdermal or oral estrogen (estradiol) forms.

A study conducted on Hormone Replacement Therapy showed that it decreased the total fracture rate and the fracture rate of the hip by 24% & 33% respectively.

Click here to learn more about Hormone Therapy and Osteoporosis and get the most suitable solution from Welltopia specialists.


Who Should Consider Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Criteria for candidates for hormone replacement therapy include:

  1. Those undergoing premature or early menopause or with primary ovarian insufficiency.
  2. Post-menopausal women who seek osteoporosis prevention.
  3. Women who had ovarian surgery.


Lifestyle and Dietary Considerations for Bone Health

Although hormone replacement therapy has a key role in protecting bones after menopause from fracture, A healthy lifestyle is essential to maintain your optimal quality of life!

A healthy lifestyle includes calcium and vitamin D-rich dietary sources like dairy products, fish, nuts, etc… 

Sometimes calcium or vitamin D supplementation is required. Don’t forget your regular weight-bearing exercises and the right sunlight exposure to boost your health.


Alternatives to Hormone Therapy

Hormone replacement therapy may not be suitable for everyone, people who are at a high risk of developing blood clots, and breast, uterine, or ovarian cancer are advised to avoid using Hormone replacement therapy.

Alternatives to Hormone replacement therapy are bisphosphonates and injectable medications for those who cannot or choose not to use hormone therapy.

Bisphosphonates can diminish osteoporosis because of their ability to inhibit bone resorption.


Monitoring and Managing Osteoporosis Post-Menopause

Post-menopause bone health monitoring is necessary, after menopause you should visit your doctor regularly to assess your hormonal levels and the condition and density of your bones.

The density of the bones can be assessed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA or DEXA) scans.


Now that you know the relationship between Hormone Therapy and Osteoporosis.

Try our Pharmacist consultation to learn more about the benefits of Hormone Therapy and Osteoporosis:

Female Hormone Consultation

Male Hormone Consultation



  1. Osteoporosis causes & symptoms – NIAMS
  2. Primary osteoporosis in postmenopausal women – PMC
  3. Menopausal hormone therapy in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis –Wolters Kluwer
  4. What You Must Know About Women’s Hormones: Your Guide to Natural Hormone Treatments for PMS, Menopause, Osteoporosis, PCOS, and More” (2nd edition) by Pamela W. Smith.
  5. Bisphosphonate – NIH
Categories: Compounding