Custom creations and Pain Management

Welcome to a new short episode of welltopia capsules, where Omar the pharmacist will talk in detail about compounding medications and how they can help patients recover and heal easily.
compounding is the art of custom creation of medication we start from active ingredients; pure active ingredients and we build medications that you can not find on the shelves of any other pharmacy, those are medications that you cannot just buy and the reason is that pharmaceutical companies will not invest time and money to create those medications for a fraction of people who can not use commercially available products because they have allergies to certain ingredients inside commercially available products or maybe they have certain health conditions and need special treatment, We create special drugs inside our labs as compounding pharmacists and Omar is a proud member of Pharmacy compounding center of America PCCA where they meet all over the states from different countries to discuss how to come up with the best solution in the compounding world!

listen to this episode to learn more about compounding medication and how it can help you and your loved ones!