Different Practitioners Prescribe Different Hormones

January 18, 2024
Survey reveals healthcare providers prescribe different hormones, highlighting a shift towards bioidentical options over synthetic versions.

Prescribe Different Hormones: Varied Practices in Therapy

Introduction to Hormonal Therapy and Practitioner Knowledge

Last week, I was in a medical conference about hormonal therapy. The guest speaker was a renowned hormone physician who has authored numerous books on the subject. I met there a lot of fellow physicians, family practice doctors, general practitioners (GPs) and wellness physicians (WPs), seeking guidance on hormone-related matters.

Astonishingly, despite completing medical school and residency, they had a limited understanding of hormones. They were unfamiliar with the distinctions between patches, creams, and oral methods of hormone administration, as well as the variances in products containing estradiol. This lack of knowledge among medical professionals is not uncommon, as hormones are often neglected in-depth during their education.


The Complexity of Hormone Prescription

The realm of hormone prescription has become a convoluted maze within the medical field. Misinformation about hormone therapies, from online sources to prescription pads, abounds.


Survey on Hormone Prescription Practices

To shed light on this issue, a group of researchers and obstetricians/gynecologists (OB/GYNs) in the United States conducted a survey. Their aim was to explore the variations in hormone prescription practices among different healthcare practitioners.

The survey was distributed to a staggering 9,000 physicians, and the most recent article I could find on this topic was published in 2016. Here is an overview of their findings, as outlined in the abstract:

Variations in Hormone Therapy Prescriptions Among Practitioners

The objective of the survey was to examine the prescribing patterns of general practitioners (GPs), OB/GYNs, and wellness physicians (WPs) regarding menopausal hormone therapy (HT) using both compounded (CHT) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved products.


Misinformation and Financial Interests in Hormone Therapy

The misinformation surrounding hormones is pervasive, and it appears to be driven by a combination of ignorance and financial interests. This phenomenon mirrors what we have witnessed in various contexts over the past few years.

Debunking Myths About Compounded Hormone Therapy

The article in question goes on to claim that compounded products lack the rigorous efficacy data, safety validation, and comprehensive package inserts required for FDA-approved HT.

Yet, the reality is that compounding hormones is not a complex process and has been successfully practiced for decades. The battle over misinformation and financial gain is at the heart of this debate, reminiscent of other issues we have witnessed recently.


Estrogen and Cancer: A Misunderstood Relationship

Furthermore, the article perpetuates the fallacy that estrogen causes cancer, despite the initial Women’s Health Initiative study clearly demonstrating that estrogen has a protective effect against breast cancer.

Rising Preference for Compounded Hormone Therapy

Recent surveys indicate that CHT users constitute approximately 34% to 60% of current HT users, which translates to 2-3 million women. Among these users, a significant percentage consists of younger women (aged 40-49 years), suggesting that those initiating therapy more recently are increasingly inclined towards CHT options.


Growing Awareness and Preference for Bioidentical Hormones

It is heartening to see that patients are becoming more aware and informed at a faster pace than many healthcare providers. They are actively seeking and expressing a preference for natural bioidentical hormones.

Insights from the Journal of Personalized Medicine Survey

Empowered by a recent 2023 survey published in the Journal of Personalized Medicine sheds light on the growing preference for bioidentical hormones over synthetic versions. This study surveyed a diverse group of individuals, revealing that a staggering 83% favored natural bioidentical hormones for managing hormone imbalances.


Key Findings from the Survey on Bioidentical Hormones

Several key findings emerged from this survey:

  • Younger generations favor bioidentical hormones: Participants with younger ages were more likely to express a preference for bioidentical options, highlighting a potential shift in favor of natural alternatives.
  • Education and experience play a role: Individuals with higher education levels and prior experience with both bioidentical and synthetic hormones were more likely to choose bioidentical versions. This suggests that education and personal experiences significantly influence hormone preferences.
  • Positive experiences fuel preference: Participants who had used bioidentical hormones reported greater symptom relief and fewer side effects compared to those who used synthetic versions. This positive experience likely contributes to the growing preference for bioidentical hormones.


The Importance of Informed Decision-Making in Hormone Therapy

These findings offer valuable insights into the evolving landscape of hormone therapy. The clear preference for bioidentical hormones, particularly among younger generations and those with positive experiences, highlights a potential paradigm shift in the way individuals approach hormone management.

Encouraging Active Patient Engagement in Healthcare

Making informed decisions about hormone therapy requires an empowered patient. By actively engaging in their own healthcare journey and working collaboratively with their healthcare provider, patients can ensure they receive the most effective and tailored hormone treatments. This partnership fosters personalized care and maximizes the potential for positive outcomes.


Conclusion and Invitation to Consult at WelltopiaRx

Remember, taking an active role in your healthcare journey is crucial. By scheduling a consultation, you can engage in an open dialogue with our practitioners, express your preferences, and receive personalized recommendations based on the latest research and evidence-based practices.

At WelltopiaRx, we believe that informed patients make the best decisions for their well-being. Visit our Female Hormone Consultation section today to take the first step towards a comprehensive and personalized approach to female hormone therapy.



  • What are the differences between compounded hormone therapy (CHT) and FDA-approved hormone therapy?

Compounded hormone therapy (CHT) is customized by a pharmacist based on a healthcare provider’s prescription to meet a patient’s specific needs, while FDA-approved hormone therapies are standardized products that have undergone rigorous testing for efficacy and safety. CHT can offer alternatives in dosage, form, and combination of hormones not available in standard FDA-approved products.


  • Why do healthcare practitioners have varied prescribing patterns for hormone therapy?

Prescribing patterns vary due to differences in training, personal experience, specialty focus (such as general practitioners vs. OB/GYNs), and individual patient needs. Wellness physicians (WPs) might have different approaches compared to OB/GYNs or general practitioners, often influenced by their specific focus on holistic or integrative medicine.


  • Is there a misconception about estrogen causing cancer?

Yes, there is a common misconception that estrogen causes cancer. However, studies like the Women’s Health Initiative have demonstrated that estrogen can have a protective effect against certain types of cancer, such as breast cancer. It is important to evaluate each case individually and consider the overall balance of risks and benefits.


  • Why is there a growing preference for bioidentical hormones over synthetic versions?

Bioidentical hormones are chemically identical to those the body produces naturally, which is thought to result in better symptom relief and fewer side effects. Recent surveys indicate that patients, especially younger generations, prefer bioidentical hormones due to their natural composition and the positive experiences reported by users.


  • How can patients make informed decisions about hormone therapy?

Patients should actively engage in their healthcare journey by discussing options with their healthcare provider, staying informed about the latest research, and considering both the benefits and risks of different hormone therapies. Personalized care is key, and decisions should be based on individual health needs, preferences, and medical history.



  1. Prescribing of FDA-approved and compounded hormone therapy differs by specialty
  2. Body identical hormone replacement
Categories: Compounding