
$55.20 or subscribe and save up to 10%

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BenfoMax supports healthy advanced glycation end-product activity and cellular health.

  • Helps maintain healthy glucose metabolism.
  • Promotes vascular, retinal, kidney, and neuronal health.
  • Maintains healthy activity of the genomic regulator NF-ĸB to support cytokine balance.
  • Made with hypoallergenic, vegan ingredients.


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BenfoMax maintains healthy advanced glycation end (AGE) product activity and glucose metabolism already within the normal range.

Supports optimal thiamine pyrophosphate activity with the lipid-soluble, enhanced-retention thiamin derivative benfotiamine.

  1. Promotes vascular, retinal, kidney and neuronal health.
  2. Promotes healthy transketolase activity, an important enzyme in glucose metabolism, to protect vascular tissues through three biochemical pathways.
  3. Benfotiamine maintains healthy flow-mediated dilation and endothelial function in response to a heat-treated meal, also supports healthy nerve conduction velocity and nerve comfort.

BenfoMax supplement facts


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