Bergamot BF Essential Oil

$14.73 or subscribe and save up to 10%

0.5 oz

Bergamot BF Essential Oil has a lively, sweet aroma and the capacity to both elevate the spirit and encourage a peaceful, grounded disposition.

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SKU: WTRX_23683743Categories: AromatherapyTags: aroma therapy, Bergamot, essential oils

Bergamot BF Essential Oil has a lively, sweet aroma and the capacity to both elevate the spirit and encourage a peaceful, grounded disposition. It is often used for daytime diffusions, especially to inspire calm focus during work or school. It is also an excellent deodorizer and, because it is bergapten-free, is safe to use in body care products as well.

Aura Cacia Bergamot Essential Oil typically comes from Italy. Like other citrus oils, bergamot is obtained by cold expression of the peels of unripe fruits.

• The major constituents of bergamot essential oil are limonene, linalool, linalyl acetate, terpinene, and pinene.
• It blends well with many other essential oils, including coriander, cypress, geranium, lavender, jasmine, Roman chamomile, and neroli essential oils.
• Bergamot also contains a constituent called bergaptene which increases the skin’s sensitivity to sunlight. Most of the bergapten has been distilled out of this product to make it safe for body care use when diluted properly.
• Bergamot essential oil is generally considered a top-note oil.

Suggested Use

Suggested Usage: Cologne: 1/2 c. vodka, 12 drops bergamot BF, 12 drops neroli, 30 drops lemon 4 drops rosemary, 2 tbsp. water
Caution: If pregnant, suffering from any medical condition, or taking medication, consult a health care practitioner before use. Dilute properly. May irritate skin. Not for internal use. Avoid direct sunlight. Keep out of reach of children.
Ingredients: Citrus bergamia (bergamot) oil


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