
$43.98 or subscribe and save up to 10%

60 capsules

CoreBiotic combines three fully sequenced and registered spore-based probiotics along with VitaFiber prebiotics.

  • Supports the normal immune reaction of intestinal cells and a healthy microbiome.
  • Communicates with intestinal cells to maintain healthy gut barrier function.
  • Helps regulate gastrointestinal motility.
  • Organic prebiotic fiber to promote colonization of probiotic bacteria.
  • Efficacy with smaller doses.


product sheet

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CoreBiotice strains are identified by genomic sequencing for specificity so you are getting the same product every time.

Each strain was specifically chosen for its mechanisms of action, backed by supporting research. Only strain-specific probiotics have undergone rigorous genomic studies, guaranteeing accurate strain specificity, potency, and safety.

Benefits of Spore-based Probiotics

  1. Spore-based probiotics are derived from the soil and are sometimes referred to as soil-based organisms, or SBOs.
  2. Traditionally when people consumed minimally processed products from the ground, they inadvertently ingested these soil-based probiotics.
  3. These SBOs were crucial for maintaining a normal gut microbiome.
  4. Due to modern farming techniques, including over-processing and the use of pesticides and herbicides, people do not naturally consume these beneficial SBO bacteria as they traditionally have.
  5. Spore-forming strains have several advantages over their live strain counterparts.
  6. Their ability to form a protective spore which allows them to withstand much harsher environments such as those present in the stomach, allowing them to reach the intestines where their benefits can be fully realized.

This also means they do not require refrigeration.

  1. Once in the intestines, SBOs leave the spore form and act the same as any probiotic. Competitive inhibition helps the beneficial probiotic bacteria proliferate and crowd out the harmful bacteria.
  2. Double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trials have established the safety of SBOs for humans, and efficacy has been demonstrated in dozens of peer-reviewed published studies.

