Cruciferous Complete

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90 Capsules

Cruciferous Complete is a supplement containing cruciferous vegetables that support healthy liver function in the elimination of free radicals.*

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Cruciferous Complete is a supplement containing cruciferous vegetables that support healthy liver function in the elimination of free radicals.*

  • Supports healthy liver function*
  • Provides ingredients with antioxidant activity
  • Contains kale and Brussels sprouts, which have compounds that have been shown in our preclinical research to promote the liver’s detoxification pathway*

Free Radicals and Detoxification

Free radicals are a specimen of a molecule that exists independently and contains an unpaired electron. As such, these radicals can either donate or accept an electron from other molecules. Free radicals can attack important macromolecules, which can disrupt the balance within cells.

The balance between antioxidants and free radicals is a major factor regulating overall cellular health, metabolism, and inflammatory response. When the balance tips in favor of free radicals, oxidative stress occurs and can result in negative effects such as lipid peroxidation, DNA damage, and protein damage. Because the liver metabolizes many substances that produce free radicals, positive antioxidant status is associated with liver health and may prevent or delay localized oxidative stress and cell damage from occurring. Therefore, dietary antioxidants may support cellular processes related to detoxification.

Nutritional Support for Healthy Liver Function

As people and their practitioners have become more concerned about liver health over the years, dietary support of the liver with plant-based ingredients has become a more important constituent of nutritional support. Any imbalance of the cellular redox system leads to oxidative stress, and that is one of the factors that affect liver health.

Cruciferous vegetables are rich sources of sulfur-containing compounds (glucosinolate), and the biological actions of glucosinolate-derived isothiocyanates contribute to various health-promoting effects. High intakes of fruits and vegetables have been associated with a positive health status along with a healthy inflammatory and metabolic process. Antioxidants in plants may help support the healthy inflammation response and metabolic conditions beneficial to health.

Suggested Use: One capsule per day, or as directed.

Warning: This product contains naturally occurring Vitamin K1. If you are taking blood-thinning medicines, are pregnant or nursing, or have been directed to eat a diet low in oxalates, please consult with your healthcare professional before taking this product.

Cruciferous Complete supplement facts
Cruciferous Complete supplement facts


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