MegaPre Squeeze

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12 cases

MegaPre Squeeze is specifically designed to target keystone strains that will benefit your gut health immensely.


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MegaPre Squeeze, on the other hand, is the first precision prebiotic supplement specifically designed to target and reinforce the keystone strains that will diversify your microbiome and benefit your gut health immensely.
The same remarkable MegaPre™ Precision Prebiotic™ that Microbiome Labs launched as one of our signature flagship products now comes in a portable, kid-friendly, tropical fruit-flavored squeeze pack— a convenient way to take prebiotics on the go!

Here’s how it works:

MegaPre Squeeze contains oligosaccharides, or medium-chain carbohydrates, that cannot be digested by humans but instead target keystone species known as secondary degraders.

Primary degraders feed on bulkier fibers (like cellulose, resistant starches, and inulin), and later convert them into products like oligosaccharides.

These complex fibers are important because they can feed beneficial bacteria.

Each functional food pack contains MegaPre™ Precision Prebiotic™, a proprietary blend of functional fibers and flavorful, purposeful ingredients that support a strong and diverse microbiome. Formulated with clinically tested, non-digestible oligosaccharides and kiwifruit powder, MegaPre™ Squeeze Packs offer a child-sized daily dose of prebiotics that support increased microbial diversity and selectively feed butyrate-producing bacteria, including Akkermansia muciniphilaFaecalibacterium prausnitzii, and Bifidobacteria. +

MegaPre™ is the first Precision Prebiotic™ supplement that can effectively support gut microbiome diversity and selectively feed its keystone species.

Key Benefits

Supports the gut microbiome’s microbial

  • Supports selective feeding of beneficial keystone bacterial species
  • Supports immune function
  • Maintains healthy intestinal barrier function
  • Reinforces the health-supportive microbial changes created by MegaSporeBiotic™
  • Supplies a full daily prebiotic dose (2 g) for
  • Simple, portable, and convenient—use anytime
    and anywhere
  • Natural tropical fruit flavor puree
  • Proprietary blend of natural ingredients
  • Non-GMO, rBST-free, and gluten-free
  • No artificial sweeteners or flavors, sugar, preservatives, or dyes
  • Not tested on animals

Published Studies – Microbiome Labs Guideline (

Suggested Use

Enjoy 1 pouch daily chilled or on-the-go. Once opened, please refrigerate. Consume within 6 hours. Contains milk.


CAP WARNING: Not suitable for children under 3 years of age.

Why Do Kids Need Prebiotics?
Prebiotics feed probiotics, supporting the health and diversity of kids’ microbiomes. Beyond valuable maintenance for the digestive system, prebiotics may support immune, metabolic, bone, and brain function. Prebiotics are readily available, occurring naturally in a variety of foods. Yet, once young children transition to food, most kids don’t consume enough of them, particularly if they’re picky eaters or don’t like foods that contain prebiotics. Plus, fruit and vegetable intake are generally inadequate among kids, especially those eating a low-fiber, Western-style diet. Consequently, many parents find it a struggle to get prebiotics into their kids’ diets. Knowing children tend to not consume enough foods with prebiotics, parents can be proactive and offer a convenient and tasty functional food supplement like MegaPre™ Squeeze Packs as a preventative measure!

So, All Prebiotics Aren’t the Same?
Prebiotics are dietary fibers that can’t be digested or absorbed by the human digestive tract but are the preferred food for the gut microbiome’s bacterial species. However, most prebiotics on the market are NOT selective. This means some prebiotics can feed bacteria you’d rather not support. MegaPre™ was explicitly designed to support the keystone bacterial strains without feeding the dysbiosis-producing microflora in the gut.

Why Selectively Feed Secondary Degraders?
Primary degrader bacterial species feed mainly on bulky fibers (cellulose, resistant starches, inulin), converting them into intermediary products (acetate, lactate, oligosaccharides) that feed secondary degrader keystone bacterial species. MegaPre™ contains oligosaccharides, non-digestible medium-chain carbohydrates, and kiwifruit powder, that selectively feed secondary degraders. Secondary degrader bacterial species produce valuable short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) metabolites, including butyrate. SCFAs support many diverse physiological functions necessary for optimal health and well-being.

Complex, bulky fibers are vital to feeding health-supportive bacteria. Yet, they can also support undesirable microorganisms. MegaPre™ was designed to bypass the primary degrader step, providing the intermediate byproducts (oligosaccharides) necessary for secondary degraders to produce health-supportive SCFAs. Thus, MegaPre™’s oligosaccharides and kiwifruit powder may support a significant increase in keystone species, including Akkermansia muciniphila, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, and Bifidobacteria—all of which are vital for supporting healthy metabolism, body composition, and intestinal barrier function.

MegaPre Squeeze supplement facts


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