MetaKids Baby Probiotic


0.19 fl oz

MetaKids Baby Probiotic features support to a healthy intestinal environment.

Tested in numerous studies, backed by a long history of use and easy-to-use dropper bottle.

Product information

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Safety and efficacy of probiotic strains are supported by extensive laboratory research and clinical evaluation.

Directions: Shake well before use.Administer 6 drops of oil onto a spoon or into milk/food once daily or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.

Caution: Keep out of the reach of children. Discard 4 weeks after opening.

At date of expiration.

Metagenics MetaKids Baby Probiotic – 5.56ml
Welltopia for Dietary Supplements in Wisconsin
Experts in Customized Multivitamins & Supplements

IngredientAmount Per Serving% Daily Value
Serving Size6 Drops (0.27 mL)
Servings Per Container21
A Blend of:
Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG1 billion CFU*