Organs Blend

$49.99 or subscribe and save up to 10%

180 capsules 

Organs Blend is filled with vitamins, trace elements, and essential amino acids


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Organs Blend

Consuming glandulars and taking glandular products is not new; historically, people have consumed the glands and various other parts of animals, such as the liver, kidneys, and heart, for nourishment and overall health purposes. Often referred to as “Nature’s multivitamin/mineral,” organ meats are nutrient-filled—packed with iron, protein, vitamin A, B12 and folate, and many other important nutrients. Formulated for its multi-systemic support, Glandulars Multi Gland is Keto Friendly, raised without hormones or antibiotics, and grass-fed.


• Bovine Liver, Bovine Heart, Bovine Kidney, Bovine Adrenal, Bovine Pancreas, Ovine Liver, Ovine Heart, Ovine Kidney
• Bacillus coagulans • #1 nutrient-filled superfood on the planet
• Fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins, bioavailable heme iron, zinc, vitamins B12, B2 (riboflavin), B9 (folate), copper, vitamin A, selenium, enzymes, arachidonic acid, choline, CoQ10


• Promote overall health and wellbeing
• Filled with vitamins, trace elements, and essential amino acids
• Supports healthy energy metabolism, endurance, and performance
• Supports immune system health*
• Reduces occasional constipation, gas, and bloating*
• Relieves symptoms of flatulence, abdominal distension, and discomfort*

Suggested Use
Adults take 6 capsules per day.
If you are pregnant, nursing, allergic, have a medical condition, or taking any medications, consult a doctor before using this or any other dietary supplement. Do not use it if the inner safety seal is broken or missing. Keep out of reach of children. Color and odor may vary from lot to lot. Store in a cool, dry place. NOTICE: Use this product as a food supplement only. Do not use it for weight reduction.

Organs blend supplement facts


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