Poly-Prebiotic Powder

$42.00 or subscribe and save up to 10%

30 servings

Poly-Prebiotic powder contains nondigestible components of food.

  • A blend of researched prebiotics and polyphenols with prebiotic effects.
  • Targets Bifidobacteria and Akkermansia muciniphila to support GI barrier function.
  • Pleasant-tasting fruit flavor.
  • Shelf-stable with low reported GI effects.
  • Made with hypoallergenic, vegan ingredients.

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Poly-Prebiotic Powder provides Bifidobacterium that is the predominant intestinal bacterial genus during the first year of life and is associated with healthy immune development and cytokine balance in infants and later in life.

High-microbiome diversity has been linked to optimal health and resilience.

  1. PreticX™ XOS (xylooligosaccharide) and BioEcolians® α-GOS (alpha-glucooligosaccharide) both promote short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) production in the colon and Bifidobacteria in the GI tract.
  2. While XOS promotes the SCFA butyrate, a major energy source for the colonocytes, α-GOS promotes propionate to support both glucose homeostasis and satiety.
  3. BioEcolians® supplemented increased secretion in the mucosa of the antimicrobial peptides β-defensins.
  4. Supplementation with cranberry polyphenols promotes healthy fat metabolism in the liver, insulin sensitivity, and cytokine balance.
  5. Akkermansia increases mucus layer thickness and production of occludin, an essential component of tight junctions.
  6. Research suggests that polyphenols from blueberry and pomegranate support the growth of lactobacilli and bifidobacterium in the colon, as well as cytokine balance in the GI tract.
  7. In contrast to many common prebiotics, studies on XOS, α-GOS and polyphenols report very low incidence of gas, bloating or other intestinal side effects.

Pure Encapsulations Poly-Prebiotic Powder – 138g
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