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Healthy Bone Strength and Bone Density*

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Strontium is one of the many minerals essential for bone health. Studies indicate that strontium positively affects bone strength and maintains healthy bone density.*

Supplement Facts

Serving Size: 2 Capsules
Servings Per Container: 30
IngredientAmount/ServingDaily Value
Strontium (from Strontium Citrate)680 mg**

Frequently Asked Questions

How safe is strontium?

Strontium is very safe and non-toxic. This product contains strontium citrate, not strontium 90, the toxic radioactive form that may come to mind. Strontium citrate has been a safely used substance for over 100 years, and there have been studies using 2 grams of strontium with no significant side effects. While, there are several forms of strontium in use today, strontium citrate is the most easily absorbed and used by the body. However, strontium supplementation may be contraindicated for individuals with impaired renal function. Please consult your healthcare practitioner if this is a concern.

Can I take Strontium and a calcium-containing supplement at the same time?

For the best results, take Strontium at least two hours apart from when you take your calcium supplement. Both minerals compete for the same absorption pathways in the body, so it’s best to take them separately and with some time in between therm.

**Daily Value (DV) Not Established.
Other Ingredients: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (vegetable cellulose capsules), cellulose powder, vegetable source magnesium stearate, titanium dioxide.
No: sugar, salt, yeast, wheat, gluten, corn, soy, dairy products, artificial flavoring, or artificial preservatives.
Terry Naturally brand products contain natural and other premium ingredients.
Recommendations: 2 capsules daily. Studies suggest that, for better bioavailability, strontium should be taken more than two hours before or two hours after taking a calcium supplement. Strontium is absorbed using calcium transport mechanisms, and should not be taken at the same time as calcium supplements.

If pregnant or nursing, consult a healthcare practitioner before using.

Strontium supplementation may be contraindicated for individuals with impaired renal function, consult your healthcare practitioner.

VEGAN     NON-GMO     Kosher Symbol cRC 328   Lab Tested Icon


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