Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Hypogonadism in men is a condition in which the body does not have enough levels of testosterone hormone pertinent to the normal levels. And this condition has been treated mostly With testosterone supplementation.

However, Low T is a complex matter involving primary and secondary causes, can be related to inability of testes to produce sufficient  testosterone, excess estrogen, normal aging or taking certain medications.

The results from low T can range from low or loss of libido, erectile dysfunction, depression, brain fog and general malaise.

If lifestyle changes don’t work for you, you might need to start hormone replacement therapy, and after proper diagnosis testing for testosterone, estrogen and Luteinizing hormone (LH), Testostertone replacement therapy might be very effective in reversing symptoms of Low testosterone and providing the outcomes you seek.

Welltopia pharmacists will work with you and your doctor to find the best forms of testosterone replacement therapy or supplements to help with hypogonadism.

Men’s Health Profile/Questionnaire

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Testosterone Replacement Therapy
Welltopia Compounding Pharmacy In Wisconsin
Experts For Prescriptions & Custom TRT Therapy Medications