Calcium is a naturally occurring mineral that is found in many foods, and it is important that we get an adequate amount each day. Some foods that are high in calcium include milk, yogurt, cheese, fish, white beans, broccoli, almonds, and many other foods. Function in our body – Calcium is important to build and […]
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Calcium is a naturally occurring mineral that is found in many foods, and it is important that we get an adequate amount each day. Some foods that are high in calcium include milk, yogurt, cheese, fish, white beans, broccoli, almonds, and many other foods.
Function in our body – Calcium is important to build and support strong bones and teeth. It is also required by our muscles, so they are able to function properly. Calcium helps our nerves send messages to our brains and helps our blood vessels move blood throughout the body. The release of hormones is also reliant on normal calcium levels, so getting the right amount of calcium each day is crucial for keeping our bodies healthy. Many people do not get the correct amount of calcium from food alone, luckily there are some amazing supplements.
Types of supplemental calcium
Bone Builder® – This supplement provides excellent bone health support with microcrystalline hydroxyapatite concentrate (MCHC), a highly absorbable crystalline compound that provides everything found in healthy bones and is backed by more than 30 years of research. MCHC contains naturally occurring calcium, phosphorus, and trace amounts of other minerals, bone growth factors, collagen, and other vital bone proteins. This well-rounded formula is designed to support bone mineral density. Three tablets give you 48% of your daily calcium requirements.
Reacted Calcium – Reacted Calcium provides three unique forms of highly-absorbed calcium to ensure maximum absorption of this important micromineral. While most calcium supplements use only a single source of calcium, which can easily overwhelm a single pathway of absorption and limit uptake, Reacted Calcium takes advantage of three unique pathways of absorption by providing calcium in the hydroxyapatite, di-calcium malate, and glycinate forms. In addition, Reacted Calcium includes vitamin D and phosphorus, both critical nutrients for bone mineralization and remodeling.
Calcium Citrate – This is a common over-the-counter form of calcium that can be found in many pharmacies and drug stores. The most common doses are 600mg and that provides about 46% of our daily calcium requirement. You often see calcium citrate mixed with vitamin D to help increase absorption.
Calcium Carbonate – This form of calcium can be found in many antacids like Tums. If one were to take Tums for calcium supplementation you would need to take 5-6 tablets each day. The downside to calcium carbonate is that it requires stomach acid to be fully absorbed, this leads to a lower absorption than the other types of calcium supplements