Managing Diabetes Effectively

January 10, 2019

Did you know that there’s an estimate of 100 million people in the United States who are living with Diabetes or are pre-diabetics? That’s an alarming number, isn’t it? The sound of the word ‘diabetes’ is very familiar. However most of us, unless we have had to deal with this awful disease ourselves or watch a loved one go through it, do not know much about it in terms of how to fully understand it in order to manage it properly, or even prevent it. In this blog piece, we will go over some of the most commonly asked questions about diabetes as a disease, the proper way to manage it, and what dietary supplements our pharmacist recommends you should consider when dealing with a diabetes diagnosis.

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a life-long disease that is caused when your body does not turn the glucose it acquires from food into insulin. Over time, glucose builds up in the bloodstream as sugar which could be life-threatening if not managed properly. Most people diagnosed with diabetes have Type 2, which is highly influenced by lifestyle choices, and/or genetic factors. Although less common, Type 1 of Diabetes is caused by genes and other environmental factors that target the immune system. Other types of diabetes can happen temporarily due to hormonal changes, such as the case of gestational diabetes.

What should I do if I, or a loved one of mine receive a diabetes diagnosis (especially Type 2)?

We cannot stress enough how important it is that you make an appointment with your doctor or healthcare professional to discuss your medications, lifestyle habits, and vitamin/supplement routines. The words ‘life-long disease’ sound scary, but diabetes can be and IS manageable with the right medication, and/or supplement + a healthier lifestyle plan.

On that note, Welltopia does offer an elaborate one-on-one consultation service with your pharmacist; which includes proper medication counseling, lifestyle habits review and suggestions, as well as recommendations of the best wellness products that can help you manage your/or your loved one’s diagnosis better and offer a better quality of life when it comes to your health, overall.

 Are there any supplements that could help manage diabetes?

The short answer is: “Yes!”. Your doctor or your healthcare professional can decide which supplements would be best for you to start implementing into your diet and wellness routine based on your health and medication history. However, here are some fantastic recommendations your pharmacist think you should look at and consider after a consultation or a discussion with your doctor.

Well-B Complex

Well-B Complex 180

This wonderful wellness product offers a wide and complex variety of B vitamins is essential for the body to convert food into cellular energy. Diabetic patients lose water-soluble vitamins such as B1, B2, B3, B6, and B12, to name a few, much quicker that individuals who are not diabetic. The reason being that diabetic patients bodies attempt to get rid of excess amounts of sugar, and therefore they end up passing greater amounts of urine, but unfortunately, much-needed water-soluble vitamins exist their bodies as well. Well- B Complex is the perfect solution to help with making up for losing these much-needed nutrients.

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Glucose Stabili-T (formerly called Diabet-X) helps maintain healthy blood sugar, circulation, and vision. It supports the body’s natural cellular metabolism and helps fight the damaging effects of free radicals. This powerhouse supplement contains several all-natural ingredients that have been linked to maintaining a better blood-sugar balance; as an example: chromium, cinnamon, gymnema (which means ‘sugar destroyer’ in Hindi, go figure!), alpha lipoid acid, and bilberr

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Glucose Stabili-T

Glucose Stabili-T


Berberine-500 60 caps

Berberine is an alkaloid compound found in the roots, rhizomes, stems and bark of several plants commonly used in botanical and Chinese medicine, such as goldenseal, Oregon grape, barberry, and Berberis aristata. Lipoic acid is best known for its antioxidant properties and its ability to support healthy insulin secretion and sensitivity. This product is an all-around perfect supplement to consider to support optimal blood sugar and insulin levels, cardiovascular health, and liver health.

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Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract Blood Sugar Balance Formula contains 600 mg of AGE and a unique combination of Salacia and Bitter Melon extracts along with Niacin and Chromium Picolinate per serving (2 capsules; Recommend two servings per day)  This synergistic blend naturally supports healthy blood sugar levels, already within normal ranges, aids in weight management, as well as cardiovascular and immune health for overall well-being. *

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Kyolic Blood Sugar Balance

Kyolic Blood Sugar Balance 100 caps

We recommend you take a look at these products, especially around the Holidays, when health and food choices may not be at best. There are many other great suggestions we have in store (pun intended), however, we think you should run any new supplements or vitamins you think about your implementing in you diet, by your doctor or pharmacist.

Do you have any questions about these supplements geared for diabetic patients (or any others)? Reach out to us! We are always happy to help!

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