Proper Nutritional Support on Keto

July 31, 2019

We can make a wild guess that you have heard the words: “Keto Diet” several times in the last few years, and we would probably be right. The Keto Diet, however, is not another catchphrase or a diet fad that is soon to die off. In fact, it has been around for almost a hundred years! It was first introduced in the 1920s by physicians as a treatment for epilepsy, then used in other treatments for children throughout the years. In the past fifteen years, it has gained more attention as an effective way to shed unhealthy weight and to live a healthier lifestyle.

What exactly is the Ketogenic Diet?

It is a high-fat and low-carb eating plan that burns fat rather than carbohydrates. It puts your body into Ketosis, which is a metabolic state that conditions your body to burn fat due to its low-carb intake.

How do I follow the Ketogenic Diet?

There are a couple of versions of the diet, but the main principle is that your daily fat intake should be around 80-90%, your protein intake should be around 10-20%, and your carbohydrates should not exceed 5-10%. The whole principle is to eat clean and only get your food from natural sources while eliminating sugar in order to help your body burn fat rather than glucose.

How do you know that the Ketogenic diet is working?

Trust us, you will know when you reach a state of Ketosis! Ketosis is a normal metabolic process that occurs when the body does not have enough glucose stores for energy. Away from the fact that the results for this diet are impressive and you will start noticing as you are shedding the weight quickly, a good way to confirm and determine that your weight loss is due to the diet, is by checking your urine for ketones. Ask your pharmacist about the ketone test strips, if you feel this will help document your weight loss journey better.

Other than weight loss, are there additional health benefits to the Ketogenic diet?

Why, yes! This diet is, especially, beneficial to individuals that have Diabetes Type two or are prone to diabetes. It has, also, been recorded to help, in case of people who suffer from seizures, PCOS, Traumatic Brain Injury, Multiple Sclerosis, and even some forms of cancers. Definitely, check with your doctor or healthcare provider to see if the Keto Diet would have additional health benefits to you.

Are there any supplements I should consider taking while on the Ketogenic Diet to amp my energy and help with my weight loss?

We totally recommend the Keto Protein With MCT It is a complete kit that will ensure you are getting adequate amounts of protein as that is a concern for most people of Keto, whether they are getting enough protein or not. The kit is filled with plant-based sources of fat and protein, as well as, the best electrolyte blend for rapid replenishment.


As always, we recommend that you consult with your pharmacist if you are embarking on any medicine, supplement regimen, or diet changes. Your pharmacist is always the easiest healthcare provider to reach, and s/he’s here to help you stay well!

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